[ovs-build] |fail| pw1552855 [ovs-dev] [PATCH ovn] ovn-nb: Document LRP gateway_mtu option

0-day Robot robot at bytheb.org
Tue Nov 9 12:59:37 UTC 2021

From: robot at bytheb.org

Test-Label: github-robot: ovn-kubernetes
Test-Status: fail

_github build: failed_
Build URL: https://github.com/ovsrobot/ovn/actions/runs/1438982937
Build Logs:
-----------------------Summary of failed steps-----------------------
"e2e (shard-conformance, false, false, false, ipv4, IPv4, true, false)" failed at step Generate Test Report
"e2e (shard-conformance, false, false, false, ipv6, IPv6, false, true)" failed at step Generate Test Report
"e2e (shard-conformance, false, false, false, dualstack, Dualstack, true, true)" failed at step Generate Test Report
"e2e (control-plane, true, true, true, ipv4, IPv4, true, false)" failed at step Generate Test Report
----------------------End summary of failed steps--------------------

-------------------------------BEGIN LOGS----------------------------
#### [Begin job log] "e2e (shard-conformance, false, false, false, ipv4, IPv4, true, false)" at step Generate Test Report
Nov  9 11:16:52.777: INFO: The status of Pod server-b-vr8dq is Running (Ready = false)
Nov  9 11:16:54.779: INFO: The status of Pod server-b-vr8dq is Running (Ready = false)
Nov  9 11:16:56.776: INFO: The status of Pod server-b-vr8dq is Running (Ready = false)
Nov  9 11:16:58.811: INFO: The status of Pod server-b-vr8dq is Running (Ready = false)
Nov  9 11:17:00.828: INFO: The status of Pod server-b-vr8dq is Running (Ready = false)
Nov  9 11:17:02.846: INFO: The status of Pod server-b-vr8dq is Running (Ready = false)
Nov  9 11:17:04.995: INFO: The status of Pod server-b-vr8dq is Running (Ready = false)
Nov  9 11:17:07.044: INFO: The status of Pod server-b-vr8dq is Running (Ready = false)
Nov  9 11:17:09.377: INFO: The status of Pod server-b-vr8dq is Running (Ready = false)
Nov  9 11:17:10.864: INFO: The status of Pod server-b-vr8dq is Running (Ready = false)
Nov  9 11:17:12.873: INFO: The status of Pod server-b-vr8dq is Running (Ready = true)
�[1mSTEP�[0m: Creating client-a which should be able to contact the server before applying policy.
�[1mSTEP�[0m: Creating client pod client-a that should successfully connect to svc-server-b.
Nov  9 11:17:13.384: INFO: Waiting for client-a-l8lrt to complete.
Nov  9 11:18:17.471: INFO: Waiting for client-a-l8lrt to complete.
Nov  9 11:18:17.471: INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod "client-a-l8lrt" in namespace "network-policy-7645" to be "Succeeded or Failed"
Nov  9 11:18:17.519: INFO: Pod "client-a-l8lrt": Phase="Failed", Reason="", readiness=false. Elapsed: 47.803289ms
Nov  9 11:18:17.556: INFO: Running '/usr/local/bin/kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/runner/admin.conf --namespace=network-policy-7645 describe po client-a-l8lrt'
Nov  9 11:18:17.748: INFO: stderr: ""
Nov  9 11:18:17.748: INFO: stdout: "Name:         client-a-l8lrt\nNamespace:    network-policy-7645\nPriority:     0\nNode:         ovn-control-plane/\nStart Time:   Tue, 09 Nov 2021 11:17:13 +0000\nLabels:       pod-name=client-a\nAnnotations:  k8s.ovn.org/pod-networks:\n                {\"default\":{\"ip_addresses\":[\"\"],\"mac_address\":\"0a:58:0a:f4:00:88\",\"gateway_ips\":[\"\"],\"ip_address\":\"\nStatus:       Failed\nIP: \nIPs:\n  IP:\nContainers:\n  client:\n    Container ID:  containerd://ef80f63437d20ff28a0786e1c7f82602665297d00dd19b4e035fd4435b5dc729\n    Image:         k8s.gcr.io/e2e-test-images/agnhost:2.21\n    Image ID:      k8s.gcr.io/e2e-test-images/agnhost at sha256:ab055cd3d45f50b90732c14593a5bf50f210871bb4f91994c756fc22db6d922a\n    Port:          <none>\n    Host Port:     <none>\n    Command:\n      /bin/sh\n    Args:\n      -c\n      for i in $(seq 1 5); do /agnhost connect --protocol tcp --timeout 8s && exit 0 || sleep 1; done; exit 1\n    State:          Terminated\n      Reason:       Error\n      Exit Code:    1\n      Started:      Tue, 09 Nov 2021 11:17:40 +0000\n      Finished:     Tue, 09 Nov 2021 11:18:14 +0000\n    Ready:          False\n    Restart Count:  0\n    Environment:    <none>\n    Mounts:\n      /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount from default-token-swhfm (ro)\nConditions:\n  Type              Status\n  Initialized       True \n  Ready             False \n  ContainersReady   False \n  PodSchedul::set-output name=report-file::src/github.com/ovn-org/ovn-kubernetes/test/_artifacts//index.html
Inspecting 'src/github.com/ovn-org/ovn-kubernetes/test/_artifacts/'
  <testsuite name="Kubernetes e2e suite" tests="10" failures="0" errors="0" time="1362.862">
  <testsuite name="Kubernetes e2e suite" tests="10" failures="0" errors="0" time="1362.862">
(standard input)
Error found in src/github.com/ovn-org/ovn-kubernetes/test/_artifacts//junit_01.xml:   <testsuite name="Kubernetes e2e suite" tests="10" failures="0" errors="0" time="1362.862">
#### [End job log] "e2e (shard-conformance, false, false, false, ipv4, IPv4, true, false)" at step Generate Test Report

#### [Begin job log] "e2e (shard-conformance, false, false, false, ipv6, IPv6, false, true)" at step Generate Test Report
Nov  9 11:07:53.817: INFO: Pod "client-can-connect-81-cwt2f": Phase="Succeeded", Reason="", readiness=false. Elapsed: 515.038345ms
�[1mSTEP�[0m: Saw pod success
Nov  9 11:07:53.817: INFO: Pod "client-can-connect-81-cwt2f" satisfied condition "Succeeded or Failed"
�[1mSTEP�[0m: Cleaning up the pod client-can-connect-81-cwt2f
[It] should enforce egress policy allowing traffic to a server in a different namespace based on PodSelector and NamespaceSelector [Feature:NetworkPolicy]
�[1mSTEP�[0m: Creating a server pod ns-b-server-a in namespace network-policy-b-499
Nov  9 11:08:02.665: INFO: Created pod ns-b-server-a-c295v
�[1mSTEP�[0m: Creating a service svc-ns-b-server-a for pod ns-b-server-a in namespace network-policy-b-499
Nov  9 11:08:10.238: INFO: Created service svc-ns-b-server-a
�[1mSTEP�[0m: Creating a server pod ns-b-server-b in namespace network-policy-b-499
Nov  9 11:08:10.941: INFO: Created pod ns-b-server-b-qkmwx
�[1mSTEP�[0m: Creating a service svc-ns-b-server-b for pod ns-b-server-b in namespace network-policy-b-499
Nov  9 11:08:20.492: INFO: Created service svc-ns-b-server-b
Nov  9 11:08:20.492: INFO: Waiting for servers to be ready.
Nov  9 11:08:21.256: INFO: The status of Pod server-6972k is Running (Ready = true)
Nov  9 11:08:21.605: INFO: The status of Pod ns-b-server-a-c295v is Pending, waiting for it to be Running (with Ready = true)
Nov  9 11:08:24.604: INFO: The status of Pod ns-b-server-a-c295v is Pending, waiting for it to be Running (with Ready = true)
Nov  9 11:08:26.263: INFO: The status of Pod ns-b-server-a-c295v is Pending, waiting for it to be Running (with Ready = true)
Nov  9 11:08:28.191: INFO: The status of Pod ns::set-output name=report-file::src/github.com/ovn-org/ovn-kubernetes/test/_artifacts//index.html
Inspecting 'src/github.com/ovn-org/ovn-kubernetes/test/_artifacts/'
  <testsuite name="Kubernetes e2e suite" tests="8" failures="0" errors="0" time="1419.767">
  <testsuite name="Kubernetes e2e suite" tests="8" failures="0" errors="0" time="1419.767">
(standard input)
Error found in src/github.com/ovn-org/ovn-kubernetes/test/_artifacts//junit_01.xml:   <testsuite name="Kubernetes e2e suite" tests="8" failures="0" errors="0" time="1419.767">
#### [End job log] "e2e (shard-conformance, false, false, false, ipv6, IPv6, false, true)" at step Generate Test Report

#### [Begin job log] "e2e (shard-conformance, false, false, false, dualstack, Dualstack, true, true)" at step Generate Test Report
  ----    ------     ----  ----               -------
  Normal  Scheduled  57s   default-scheduler  Successfully assigned network-policy-7445/client-can-connect-80-zjtzc to ovn-control-plane
  Normal  Pulled     40s   kubelet            Container image "k8s.gcr.io/e2e-test-images/agnhost:2.21" already present on machine
  Normal  Created    39s   kubelet            Created container client
  Normal  Started    19s   kubelet            Started container client

Nov  9 11:24:08.248: INFO: Running '/usr/local/bin/kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/runner/admin.conf --namespace=network-policy-7445 logs client-can-connect-80-zjtzc --tail=100'
Nov  9 11:24:08.944: INFO: stderr: ""
Nov  9 11:24:08.944: INFO: stdout: "REFUSED\nREFUSED\nREFUSED\nREFUSED\nREFUSED\n"
Nov  9 11:24:08.944: INFO: 
Last 100 log lines of client-can-connect-80-zjtzc:

Nov  9 11:24:08.944: INFO: Running '/usr/local/bin/kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/home/runner/admin.conf --namespace=network-policy-7445 describe po server-7q7c5'
Nov  9 11:24:09.760: INFO: stderr: ""
Nov  9 11:24:09.760: INFO: stdout: "Name:         server-7q7c5\nNamespace:    network-policy-7445\nPriority:     0\nNode:         ovn-control-plane/\nStart Time:   Tue, 09 Nov 2021 11:22:28 +0000\nLabels:       pod-name=server\nAnnotations:  k8s.ovn.org/pod-networks:\n                {\"default\":{\"ip_addresses\":[\"\",\"fd00:10:244:2::b8/64\"],\"mac_address\":\"0a:58:0a:f4:01:b8\",\"gateway_ips\":[\"\",\"fd00:...\nStatus:       Running\nIP: \nIPs:\n  IP:\n  IP:  fd00:10:244:2::b8\nContainers:\n  server-container-80:\n    Container ID:  containerd://f4587e3223c97c16d63a46b26085a3a753b354c44566d760db74bc57ce3f114e\n    Image:         k8s.gcr.io/e2e-test-images/agnhost:2.21\n    Image ID:      k8s.gcr.io/e2e-test-images/agnhost at sha256:ab055cd3d45f50b90732c14593a5bf50f210871bb4f91994c756fc22db6d922a\n    Port:          80/TCP\n    Host Port:     0/TCP\n    Args:\n      porter\n    State:          Running\n      Started:      Tue, 09 Nov 2021 11:22:39 +0000\n    Ready:          True\n    Restart Count:  0\n    Readiness:      exec [/agnhost connect --protocol=tcp --timeout=1s] delay=0s timeout=1s period=10s #success=1 #failure=3\n    Environment:\n      SERVE_PORT_80:  foo\n    Mounts:\n      /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount from default-token-7gtdv (ro)\n  server-container-81:\n    Container ID:  containerd://e50fbcadee2df9c3d2bc5afe1ebca1dba783230dc50d39cffd2a505299df418b\n    Image:         k8s.gcr.io/e2e-test-images/agnhost:2.21\n    Image ID:      k8s.gcr.io/e2e-test-images/agnhost at sha256:ab055cd3d45f50b90732c14593a5bf50f210871bb4f91994c756fc22db6d922a\n    Port:          81/TCP\n    Host Port:     0/TCP\n    Args:\n      porter\n    State:          Running\n      Started:      Tue, 09 Nov 2021 11:22:43 +0000\n    Ready:          False\n    Restart Count:  0\n    Readiness:      exec [/agnhost connect --protocol=tcp --timeout=1s] delay=0s timeout=1s period=10s #success=1 #failure=3\n    Environment:\n      SERVE_POR::set-output name=report-file::src/github.com/ovn-org/ovn-kubernetes/test/_artifacts//index.html
Inspecting 'src/github.com/ovn-org/ovn-kubernetes/test/_artifacts/'
  <testsuite name="Kubernetes e2e suite" tests="7" failures="0" errors="0" time="1710.285">
  <testsuite name="Kubernetes e2e suite" tests="7" failures="0" errors="0" time="1710.285">
(standard input)
Error found in src/github.com/ovn-org/ovn-kubernetes/test/_artifacts//junit_01.xml:   <testsuite name="Kubernetes e2e suite" tests="7" failures="0" errors="0" time="1710.285">
#### [End job log] "e2e (shard-conformance, false, false, false, dualstack, Dualstack, true, true)" at step Generate Test Report

#### [Begin job log] "e2e (control-plane, true, true, true, ipv4, IPv4, true, false)" at step Generate Test Report
     ⊘ e2e multiple external gateway validation Should validate TCP/UDP connectivity to multiple external gateways for a UDP / TCP scenario IPV6 udp time=25.23717102
       - /home/runner/work/ovn/ovn/src/github.com/ovn-org/ovn-kubernetes/test/e2e/external_gateways.go:373
Skipping as pod ip / node ip are not set pod ip  node ip fc00:f853:ccd:e793::4
     ⊘ e2e non-vxlan external gateway through a gateway pod Should validate ICMP connectivity to an external gateway's loopback address via a pod with external gateway annotations enabled ipv6 time=115.105735072
       - /home/runner/work/ovn/ovn/src/github.com/ovn-org/ovn-kubernetes/test/e2e/external_gateways.go:156
Skipping as pod ip / node ip are not set pod ip  node ip fc00:f853:ccd:e793::4
     ⊘ e2e non-vxlan external gateway through a gateway pod Should validate TCP/UDP connectivity to an external gateway's loopback address via a pod with external gateway annotations enabled TCP ipv6 time=112.792505116
       - /home/runner/work/ovn/ovn/src/github.com/ovn-org/ovn-kubernetes/test/e2e/external_gateways.go:211
Skipping as pod ip / node ip are not set pod ip  node ip fc00:f853:ccd:e793::4
     ⊘ e2e non-vxlan external gateway through a gateway pod Should validate TCP/UDP connectivity to an external gateway's loopback address via a pod with external gateway annotations enabled UDP ipv6 time=121.298506331
       - /home/runner/work/ovn/ovn/src/github.com/ovn-org/ovn-kubernetes/test/e2e/external_gateways.go:210
Skipping as pod ip / node ip are not set pod ip  node ip fc00:f853:ccd:e793::4

50 passed, 13 skipped
Written to: /github/workspace/src/github.com/ovn-org/ovn-kubernetes/test/_artifacts/index.html
Inspecting 'src/github.com/ovn-org/ovn-kubernetes/test/_artifacts/'
  <testsuite name="E2e Suite" tests="50" failures="0" errors="0" time="5493.328">
  <testsuite name="E2e Suite" tests="50" failures="0" errors="0" time="5493.328">
(standard input)
Error found in src/github.com/ovn-org/ovn-kubernetes/test/_artifacts//junit_control-plane-IPv4_01.xml:   <testsuite name="E2e Suite" tests="50" failures="0" errors="0" time="5493.328">
#### [End job log] "e2e (control-plane, true, true, true, ipv4, IPv4, true, false)" at step Generate Test Report
--------------------------------END LOGS-----------------------------

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