[ovs-dev] [PATCH] vswitchd: Remove never-implemented table and column for capabilities.

Ben Pfaff blp at nicira.com
Tue Feb 14 23:21:39 UTC 2012

Not only have we never implemented this, no one has ever asked for it to
the best of my knowledge.

This increments the middle part of the schema version number instead of the
first part on the grounds that removing something that is unused is
unlikely to break anything.

Signed-off-by: Ben Pfaff <blp at nicira.com>
As an alternative, if anyone thinks that this is too much, I'd be willing
to just remove the documentation that claims that we implement capabilities
for QoS, since we don't.

 vswitchd/vswitch.gv        |    2 -
 vswitchd/vswitch.ovsschema |   14 +-----
 vswitchd/vswitch.pic       |   99 +++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 vswitchd/vswitch.xml       |   56 +------------------------
 4 files changed, 51 insertions(+), 120 deletions(-)

diff --git a/vswitchd/vswitch.gv b/vswitchd/vswitch.gv
index 3a0980f..210ae87 100644
--- a/vswitchd/vswitch.gv
+++ b/vswitchd/vswitch.gv
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ digraph Open_vSwitch {
 	sFlow [];
 	Open_vSwitch [style=bold];
 	Open_vSwitch -> Bridge [label="bridges*"];
-	Open_vSwitch -> Capability [label="capabilities value*"];
 	Open_vSwitch -> SSL [label="ssl?"];
 	Open_vSwitch -> Manager [label="manager_options*"];
 	Controller [];
@@ -23,7 +22,6 @@ digraph Open_vSwitch {
 	Queue [style=bold];
 	SSL [];
 	Manager [];
-	Capability [];
 	Mirror [];
 	Mirror -> Port [style=dotted, constraint=false, label="select_src_port*"];
 	Mirror -> Port [style=dotted, constraint=false, label="output_port?"];
diff --git a/vswitchd/vswitch.ovsschema b/vswitchd/vswitch.ovsschema
index e4ae893..c7aece7 100644
--- a/vswitchd/vswitch.ovsschema
+++ b/vswitchd/vswitch.ovsschema
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 {"name": "Open_vSwitch",
- "version": "6.7.0",
- "cksum": "1451320369 16635",
+ "version": "6.8.0",
+ "cksum": "1404093776 16263",
  "tables": {
    "Open_vSwitch": {
      "columns": {
@@ -25,11 +25,6 @@
          "type": "integer"},
        "cur_cfg": {
          "type": "integer"},
-       "capabilities": {
-         "type": {"key": "string",
-                  "value": {"type": "uuid",
-                            "refTable": "Capability"},
-                  "min": 0, "max": "unlimited"}},
        "statistics": {
          "type": {"key": "string", "value": "string", "min": 0, "max": "unlimited"},
          "ephemeral": true},
@@ -47,11 +42,6 @@
                   "min": 0, "max": 1}}},
      "isRoot": true,
      "maxRows": 1},
-   "Capability": {
-     "columns": {
-       "details": {
-         "type": {"key": "string", "value": "string",
-                  "min": 0, "max": "unlimited"}}}},
    "Bridge": {
      "columns": {
        "name": {
diff --git a/vswitchd/vswitch.pic b/vswitchd/vswitch.pic
index 97a5537..e717e6f 100644
--- a/vswitchd/vswitch.pic
+++ b/vswitchd/vswitch.pic
@@ -1,83 +1,78 @@
-.\" Generated from vswitch.gv with cksum "3861934566 1103"
+.\" Generated from vswitch.gv with cksum "2197927206 1028"
 linethick = 1;
 linethick = 1;
-box at 2.941088544,2.50604 wid 0.5307918022 height 0.313255 "Bridge"
+box at 3.269320992,2.78572 wid 0.5900294246 height 0.348215 "Bridge"
 linethick = 1;
-box at 0.2436434739,1.7229025 wid 0.4872869478 height 0.313255 "sFlow"
+box at 0.2708346627,1.9151825 wid 0.5416693254 height 0.348215 "sFlow"
 linethick = 1;
-box at 0.896285206,1.7229025 wid 0.5133873544 height 0.313255 "Mirror"
+box at 0.996312758,1.9151825 wid 0.5706825992 height 0.348215 "Mirror"
 linethick = 1;
-box at 2.514748489,1.7229025 wid 0.4698825 height 0.313255 "Port"
+box at 2.795400377,1.9151825 wid 0.5223225 height 0.348215 "Port"
 linethick = 1;
-box at 3.280469011,1.7229025 wid 0.748303544 height 0.313255 "Controller"
+box at 3.646577123,1.9151825 wid 0.831815992 height 0.348215 "Controller"
 linethick = 1;
-box at 4.211525522,1.7229025 wid 0.800554478 height 0.313255 "Flow_Table"
+box at 4.681541746,1.9151825 wid 0.889898254 height 0.348215 "Flow_Table"
 linethick = 1;
-box at 5.490670989,1.7229025 wid 0.643926978 height 0.313255 "NetFlow"
+box at 6.103442877,1.9151825 wid 0.715790754 height 0.348215 "NetFlow"
 linethick = 0.5;
-box at 2.018740522,0.939765 wid 0.4698825 height 0.313255 "QoS"
-box at 2.018740522,0.939765 wid 0.414326944444444 height 0.257699444444444
+box at 2.244036746,1.044645 wid 0.5223225 height 0.348215 "QoS"
+box at 2.244036746,1.044645 wid 0.466766944444444 height 0.292659444444444
 linethick = 0.5;
-box at 2.018740522,0.1566275 wid 0.5394940261 height 0.313255 "Queue"
-box at 2.018740522,0.1566275 wid 0.483938470544444 height 0.257699444444444
+box at 2.244036746,0.1741075 wid 0.5997028373 height 0.348215 "Queue"
+box at 2.244036746,0.1741075 wid 0.544147281744444 height 0.292659444444444
 linethick = 0.5;
-box at 4.368153022,3.2891775 wid 1.009370261 height 0.313255 "Open_vSwitch"
-box at 4.368153022,3.2891775 wid 0.953814705444444 height 0.257699444444444
+box at 4.052804742,3.6562575 wid 1.122018373 height 0.348215 "Open_vSwitch"
+box at 4.052804742,3.6562575 wid 1.06646281744444 height 0.292659444444444
 linethick = 1;
-box at 3.724226044,2.50604 wid 0.739657706 height 0.313255 "Capability"
+box at 4.052804742,2.78572 wid 0.5223225 height 0.348215 "SSL"
 linethick = 1;
-box at 5.020788489,2.50604 wid 0.4698825 height 0.313255 "SSL"
+box at 4.855649246,2.78572 wid 0.744762242 height 0.348215 "Manager"
 linethick = 1;
-box at 5.743029217,2.50604 wid 0.669989794 height 0.313255 "Manager"
+box at 3.056561627,1.044645 wid 0.754442619 height 0.348215 "Interface"
 linethick = 1;
-box at 2.749689739,0.939765 wid 0.678698283 height 0.313255 "Interface"
+spline -> from 2.976332891,2.75298779 to 2.976332891,2.75298779 to 2.604160699,2.706535909 to 1.945268276,2.607573206 to 1.402540377,2.437505 to 1.042625353,2.324752983 to 0.970266276,2.249190328 to 0.6287230754,2.08929 to 0.6011862332,2.076406045 to 0.5725420673,2.06282566 to 0.5439884373,2.049105989
+"sflow?" at 1.620174752,2.35045125
 linethick = 1;
-spline -> from 2.677515787,2.47659403 to 2.677515787,2.47659403 to 2.342708843,2.434805813 to 1.749967732,2.345778742 to 1.261728489,2.192785 to 0.937948121,2.091353031 to 0.872853732,2.023376696 to 0.5656006978,1.87953 to 0.5408284924,1.867939565 to 0.5150601361,1.85572262 to 0.4893732261,1.843380373
-"sflow?" at 1.457512864,2.11447125
+spline -> from 2.97514896,2.6812555 to 2.97514896,2.6812555 to 2.785302142,2.613214289 to 2.533333768,2.52177303 to 2.311729742,2.437505 to 1.95348615,2.301283292 to 1.543358523,2.137134741 to 1.277600835,2.029675592
+"mirrors*" at 2.592251746,2.35045125
 linethick = 1;
-spline -> from 2.67645072,2.4120635 to 2.67645072,2.4120635 to 2.505664094,2.350853473 to 2.278992776,2.26859271 to 2.079637294,2.192785 to 1.75736055,2.070239644 to 1.388408811,1.922571237 to 1.149332595,1.825900744
-"mirrors*" at 2.331995522,2.11447125
+spline -> from 3.102665293,2.610428569 to 3.102665293,2.610428569 to 3.058372345,2.557708818 to 3.013382967,2.497746195 to 2.979188254,2.437505 to 2.917484556,2.32886192 to 2.871032675,2.19584379 to 2.840250469,2.091240004
+"ports*" at 3.187142252,2.35045125
 linethick = 1;
-spline -> from 2.791164701,2.348347433 to 2.791164701,2.348347433 to 2.751318665,2.300920626 to 2.710846119,2.246978115 to 2.680084478,2.192785 to 2.624575692,2.09504944 to 2.582787475,1.97538603 to 2.555095733,1.881284228
-"ports*" at 2.867160364,2.11447125
+spline -> from 3.345719363,2.60952321 to 3.345719363,2.60952321 to 3.41111414,2.458537186 to 3.504923261,2.242017099 to 3.570387681,2.091100718
+"controller*" at 3.849725754,2.35045125
 linethick = 1;
-spline -> from 3.009816691,2.34753297 to 3.009816691,2.34753297 to 3.06864598,2.211705602 to 3.153036877,2.016923643 to 3.211928817,1.881158926
-"controller*" at 3.463221978,2.11447125
+spline -> from 3.563284095,2.664959038 to 3.563284095,2.664959038 to 3.610362763,2.646503643 to 3.658695005,2.628187534 to 3.704589742,2.6116125 to 3.942559873,2.525881967 to 4.036647566,2.578949933 to 4.246272996,2.437505 to 4.380335771,2.347038743 to 4.495594936,2.203852735 to 4.573734382,2.090195359
+"flow_tables value*" at 5.063603244,2.35045125
 linethick = 1;
-spline -> from 3.202531167,2.380675349 to 3.202531167,2.380675349 to 3.228656634,2.369586122 to 3.254970054,2.358935452 to 3.280469011,2.3494125 to 3.514345194,2.262077006 to 3.611015687,2.329489482 to 3.819956772,2.192785 to 3.941687665,2.113155579 to 4.045312419,1.98415717 to 4.115293586,1.881472181
-"flow_tables value*" at 4.555228908,2.11447125
-linethick = 1;
-spline -> from 3.20459865,2.37384639 to 3.20459865,2.37384639 to 3.229847003,2.364386089 to 3.255408611,2.356053506 to 3.280469011,2.3494125 to 3.6838788,2.242968451 to 4.788102675,2.398029676 to 5.151290522,2.192785 to 5.274838294,2.122991786 to 5.365243687,1.987540324 to 5.421504285,1.879905906
-"netflow?" at 5.582016147,2.11447125
+spline -> from 3.560568018,2.655696519 to 3.560568018,2.655696519 to 3.607925258,2.638425055 to 3.657093216,2.622894666 to 3.704589742,2.6116125 to 4.143340642,2.507426572 to 5.333887727,2.659805456 to 5.726186746,2.437505 to 5.863383456,2.359713769 to 5.963947948,2.209215246 to 6.026557005,2.089638215
+"netflow?" at 6.204982371,2.35045125
 linethick = 0.5;
-spline -> from 1.156286856,1.7229025 to 1.156286856,1.7229025 to 1.466346655,1.7229025 to 1.980084855,1.7229025 to 2.279055427,1.7229025
-"select_src_port*" at 1.714194011,1.80121625
+spline -> from 1.285331208,1.9151825 to 1.285331208,1.9151825 to 1.629994415,1.9151825 to 2.201067015,1.9151825 to 2.533403411,1.9151825
+"select_src_port*" at 1.905502123,2.00223625
 linethick = 0.5;
-spline -> from 1.135486724,1.565523188 to 1.135486724,1.565523188 to 1.1653086,1.551614666 to 1.196195543,1.539710976 to 1.226894533,1.531441044 to 1.64521526,1.419107801 to 1.784551084,1.414158372 to 2.201493489,1.531441044 to 2.230939459,1.539773627 to 2.260385429,1.551677317 to 2.288703681,1.565523188
-"output_port?" at 1.714194011,1.609754794
+spline -> from 1.262209732,1.740239284 to 1.262209732,1.740239284 to 1.2953598,1.724778538 to 1.329693799,1.711546368 to 1.363818869,1.702353492 to 1.82882518,1.577483593 to 1.983711212,1.571981796 to 2.447185377,1.702353492 to 2.479917587,1.711616011 to 2.512649797,1.724848181 to 2.544128433,1.740239284
+"output_port?" at 1.905502123,1.789407242
 linethick = 0.5;
-spline -> from 0.959750669,1.565147282 to 0.959750669,1.565147282 to 1.013191972,1.455695985 to 1.101216627,1.318302342 to 1.226894533,1.25302 to 1.611321069,1.053476565 to 1.819572993,1.048652438 to 2.201493489,1.25302 to 2.324226798,1.318740899 to 2.407176722,1.456071891 to 2.456733663,1.565460537
-"select_dst_port*" at 1.714194011,1.33133375
-linethick = 1;
-spline -> from 2.412752661,1.563643658 to 2.412752661,1.563643658 to 2.381176557,1.514337321 to 2.346405252,1.4597683 to 2.314578544,1.4096475 to 2.24854439,1.305458887 to 2.174553559,1.187988262 to 2.117102592,1.096580453
-"qos?" at 2.449466147,1.33133375
+spline -> from 1.066861117,1.739821426 to 1.066861117,1.739821426 to 1.126266596,1.618155105 to 1.224115011,1.465428006 to 1.363818869,1.39286 to 1.791148317,1.171047045 to 2.022641649,1.165684534 to 2.447185377,1.39286 to 2.583616014,1.465915507 to 2.675823346,1.618572963 to 2.730910959,1.740169641
+"select_dst_port*" at 1.905502123,1.47991375
 linethick = 1;
-spline -> from 2.562300598,1.56439547 to 2.562300598,1.56439547 to 2.603023748,1.428568102 to 2.661477131,1.233786143 to 2.702200281,1.098021426
-"interfaces+" at 3.002047967,1.33133375
+spline -> from 2.682021573,1.738149994 to 2.682021573,1.738149994 to 2.646921501,1.683340953 to 2.608269636,1.6226819 to 2.572890992,1.5669675 to 2.49948727,1.451151191 to 2.417238887,1.320570566 to 2.353376256,1.218961429
+"qos?" at 2.722832371,1.47991375
 linethick = 1;
-spline -> from 2.018740522,0.78125797 to 2.018740522,0.78125797 to 2.018740522,0.645430602 to 2.018740522,0.4506737034 to 2.018740522,0.3148713958
-"queues value*" at 2.453851717,0.54819625
+spline -> from 2.848259414,1.73898571 to 2.848259414,1.73898571 to 2.893527364,1.587999686 to 2.958504283,1.371479599 to 3.003772233,1.220563218
+"interfaces+" at 3.337083631,1.47991375
 linethick = 1;
-spline -> from 3.86180764,3.204786603 to 3.86180764,3.204786603 to 3.57799861,3.148776609 to 3.259543577,3.06864598 to 3.149966978,2.9759225 to 3.055927827,2.89635573 to 3.002549175,2.76604165 to 2.973353809,2.662792802
-"bridges*" at 3.402325206,2.89760875
+spline -> from 2.244036746,0.86844821 to 2.244036746,0.86844821 to 2.244036746,0.717462186 to 2.244036746,0.5009699562 to 2.244036746,0.3500117894
+"queues value*" at 2.727707381,0.60937625
 linethick = 1;
-spline -> from 3.893947603,3.131046376 to 3.893947603,3.131046376 to 3.830231536,3.090197924 to 3.773156475,3.039262661 to 3.732934533,2.9759225 to 3.674794405,2.884326738 to 3.674731754,2.76102957 to 3.688076417,2.663795218
-"capabilities value*" at 4.281130783,2.89760875
+spline -> from 3.657511074,3.480617854 to 3.657511074,3.480617854 to 3.582018062,3.433121328 to 3.509171484,3.375735496 to 3.453108869,3.3080425 to 3.370999772,3.208801225 to 3.324478248,3.070350941 to 3.298849624,2.960941788
+"bridges*" at 3.733630873,3.22098875
 linethick = 1;
-spline -> from 4.655721112,3.132236745 to 4.655721112,3.132236745 to 4.71887332,3.087942488 to 4.781211065,3.035378299 to 4.829327033,2.9759225 to 4.90306726,2.884890597 to 4.951872389,2.761593429 to 4.981694265,2.664171124
-"ssl?" at 5.033819897,2.89760875
+spline -> from 4.052804742,3.48006071 to 4.052804742,3.48006071 to 4.052804742,3.329074686 to 4.052804742,3.112554599 to 4.052804742,2.961638218
+"ssl?" at 4.173774633,3.22098875
 linethick = 1;
-spline -> from 4.850878977,3.131798188 to 4.850878977,3.131798188 to 4.961395341,3.087817186 to 5.076109322,3.03544095 to 5.177415989,2.9759225 to 5.326024161,2.888587006 to 5.475133541,2.762721147 to 5.582955912,2.663231359
-"manager_options*" at 5.947522081,2.89760875
+spline -> from 4.215281861,3.48006071 to 4.215281861,3.48006071 to 4.354567861,3.329074686 to 4.554234342,3.112554599 to 4.693450699,2.961638218
+"manager_options*" at 5.140976617,3.22098875
diff --git a/vswitchd/vswitch.xml b/vswitchd/vswitch.xml
index a248d9f..5941d22 100644
--- a/vswitchd/vswitch.xml
+++ b/vswitchd/vswitch.xml
@@ -87,14 +87,6 @@
         configuration changes.
-      <column name="capabilities">
-        Describes functionality supported by the hardware and software platform
-        on which this Open vSwitch is based.  Clients should not modify this
-        column.  See the <ref table="Capability"/> description for defined
-        capability categories and the meaning of associated
-        <ref table="Capability"/> records.
-      </column>
       <group title="Statistics">
           The <code>statistics</code> column contains key-value pairs that
@@ -2039,10 +2031,8 @@
     references it.</p>
     <column name="type">
-      <p>The type of QoS to implement.  The <ref table="Open_vSwitch"
-      column="capabilities"/> column in the <ref table="Open_vSwitch"/> table
-      identifies the types that a switch actually supports.  The currently
-      defined types are listed below:</p>
+      <p>The type of QoS to implement. The currently defined types are
+      listed below:</p>
@@ -3010,46 +3000,4 @@
-  <table name="Capability">
-    <p>Records in this table describe functionality supported by the hardware
-    and software platform on which this Open vSwitch is based.  Clients
-    should not modify this table.</p>
-    <p>A record in this table is meaningful only if it is referenced by the
-    <ref table="Open_vSwitch" column="capabilities"/> column in the
-    <ref table="Open_vSwitch"/> table.  The key used to reference it, called
-    the record's ``category,'' determines the meanings of the
-    <ref column="details"/> column.  The following general forms of
-    categories are currently defined:</p>
-    <dl>
-      <dt><code>qos-<var>type</var></code></dt>
-      <dd><var>type</var> is supported as the value for
-      <ref column="type" table="QoS"/> in the <ref table="QoS"/> table.
-      </dd>
-    </dl>
-    <column name="details">
-      <p>Key-value pairs that describe capabilities.  The meaning of the pairs
-      depends on the category key that the <ref table="Open_vSwitch"
-      column="capabilities"/> column in the <ref table="Open_vSwitch"/> table
-      uses to reference this record, as described above.</p>
-      <p>The presence of a record for category <code>qos-<var>type</var></code>
-      indicates that the switch supports <var>type</var> as the value of
-      the <ref table="QoS" column="type"/> column in the <ref table="QoS"/>
-      table.  The following key-value pairs are defined to further describe
-      QoS capabilities:</p>
-      <dl>
-        <dt><code>n-queues</code></dt>
-        <dd>Number of supported queues, as a positive integer.  Keys in the
-        <ref table="QoS" column="queues"/> column for <ref table="QoS"/>
-        records whose <ref table="QoS" column="type"/> value
-        equals <var>type</var> must range between 0 and this value minus one,
-        inclusive.</dd>
-      </dl>
-    </column>
-  </table>

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