[ovs-dev] [PATCH 1/4] Add/Modify headers for Multipart - Table Features.

Alexander Wu alexander.wu at huawei.com
Sat Oct 26 10:12:27 UTC 2013

Add headers and function prototype for table features.
And modify the limits of mp-table-features msg

Signed-off-by: Alexander Wu <alexander.wu at huawei.com>
  lib/ofp-msgs.h             |    4 +-
  lib/ofp-util.h             |  159 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  ofproto/ofproto-provider.h |    3 +
  3 files changed, 164 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lib/ofp-msgs.h b/lib/ofp-msgs.h
index aa19fe3..9a679f4 100644
--- a/lib/ofp-msgs.h
+++ b/lib/ofp-msgs.h
@@ -336,10 +336,10 @@ enum ofpraw {
      /* OFPST 1.3+ (11): struct ofp13_meter_features. */

-    /* OFPST 1.3+ (12): struct ofp13_table_features[]. */
+    /* OFPST 1.3+ (12): void. */

-    /* OFPST 1.3+ (12): struct ofp13_table_features[]. */
+    /* OFPST 1.3+ (12): struct ofp13_table_features, uint8_t[8][]. */

      /* OFPST 1.0+ (13): void. */
diff --git a/lib/ofp-util.h b/lib/ofp-util.h
index 1f77808..a33ddec 100644
--- a/lib/ofp-util.h
+++ b/lib/ofp-util.h
@@ -598,6 +598,165 @@ enum ofperr ofputil_decode_table_mod(const struct ofp_header *,
  struct ofpbuf *ofputil_encode_table_mod(const struct ofputil_table_mod *,
                                         enum ofputil_protocol);

+struct ofputil_table_feature_prop_header {
+    uint16_t type;   /* One of OFPTFPT_*. */
+    uint16_t length; /* Length in bytes of this property. */
+    uint8_t *data;
+#define OTF_GET (1 << 0)
+#define OTF_SET (1 << 1)
+#define OFTABLE_NUM 0xff
+/* Abstract ofp13_table_features */
+struct ofputil_table_features {
+    uint16_t length;          /* Length is padded to 64 bits. */
+    uint8_t table_id;         /* Identifier of table. Lower numbered tables
+                                 are consulted first. */
+    char name[OFP_MAX_TABLE_NAME_LEN];
+    uint64_t metadata_match;  /* Bits of metadata table can match. */
+    uint64_t metadata_write;  /* Bits of metadata table can write. */
+    uint32_t config;          /* Bitmap of OFPTC_* values */
+    uint32_t max_entries;     /* Max number of entries supported. */
+    struct ofputil_table_feature_prop_header props[0xff];
+    uint16_t n_property;
+struct oxm_variable {
+    uint32_t data;
+    char *name;
+extern struct oxm_variable oxm_variables[];
+int get_oxm_num(void);
+char *get_oxm_name(uint32_t type);
+/* Table Feature property types.
+ * Low order bit cleared indicates a property for a regular Flow Entry.
+ * Low order bit set indicates a property for the Table-Miss Flow Entry. */
+enum ofputil_table_feature_prop_type {
+    OFPUTIL_INSTRUCTIONS         = 0, /* Instructions property. */
+    OFPUTIL_INSTRUCTIONS_MISS    = 1, /* Instructions for table-miss. */
+    OFPUTIL_NEXT_TABLES          = 2, /* Next Table property. */
+    OFPUTIL_NEXT_TABLES_MISS     = 3, /* Next Table for table-miss. */
+    OFPUTIL_WRITE_ACTIONS        = 4, /* Write Actions property. */
+    OFPUTIL_WRITE_ACTIONS_MISS   = 5, /* Write Actions for table-miss. */
+    OFPUTIL_APPLY_ACTIONS        = 6, /* Apply Actions property. */
+    OFPUTIL_APPLY_ACTIONS_MISS   = 7, /* Apply Actions for table-miss. */
+    OFPUTIL_MATCH                = 8, /* Match property. */
+    OFPUTIL_WILDCARDS            = 10, /* Wildcards property. */
+    OFPUTIL_WRITE_SETFIELD       = 12, /* Write Set-Field property. */
+    OFPUTIL_WRITE_SETFIELD_MISS  = 13, /* Write Set-Field for table-miss. */
+    OFPUTIL_APPLY_SETFIELD       = 14, /* Apply Set-Field property. */
+    OFPUTIL_APPLY_SETFIELD_MISS  = 15, /* Apply Set-Field for table-miss. */
+    OFPUTIL_EXPERIMENTER         = 0xFFFE, /* Experimenter property. */
+    OFPUTIL_EXPERIMENTER_MISS    = 0xFFFF, /* Experimenter for table-miss. */
+struct ofputil_instruction {
+    uint16_t type;              /* Instruction type */
+    uint16_t len;               /* Length of this struct in bytes. */
+    uint8_t pad[4];
+/* Instructions property */
+struct ofputil_table_feature_prop_instructions {
+    uint16_t    type;    /* One of OFPUTIL_INSTRUCTIONS,
+                            OFPUTIL_INSTRUCTIONS_MISS. */
+    uint16_t    length;  /* Length in bytes of this property. */
+    uint8_t     table_id;
+    uint8_t     n_instructions;
+    /* Followed by:
+     *   - Exactly (length - 4) bytes containing the instruction ids, then
+     *   - Exactly (length + 7)/8*8 - (length) (between 0 and 7)
+     *     bytes of all-zero bytes */
+    struct ofputil_instruction *instruction_ids;
+#define NEXT_TABLE_NUM  0xff
+struct ofputil_table_feature_prop_next_tables {
+    uint16_t    type;   /* One of OFPUTIL_NEXT_TABLES,
+                           OFPUTIL_NEXT_TABLES_MISS. */
+    uint16_t    length; /* Length in bytes of this property. */
+    uint8_t     n_next_table;
+    /* Followed by:
+     *   - Exactly (length - 4) bytes containing the table_ids, then
+     *   - Exactly (length + 7)/8*8 - (length) (between 0 and 7)
+     *     bytes of all-zero bytes */
+    uint8_t     next_table_ids[NEXT_TABLE_NUM]; /* List of table ids. */
+struct ofputil_table_feature_prop_actions {
+    uint16_t    type;   /* One of OFPUTIL_WRITE_ACTIONS,
+                           OFPUTIL_WRITE_ACTIONS_MISS,
+                           OFPUTIL_APPLY_ACTIONS,
+                           OFPUTIL_APPLY_ACTIONS_MISS. */
+    uint16_t    length; /* Length in bytes of this property. */
+    uint8_t     n_actions;
+    /* Followed by:
+     *   - Exactly (length - 4) bytes containing the action_ids, then
+     *   - Exactly (length + 7)/8*8 - (length) (between 0 and 7)
+     *     bytes of all-zero bytes */
+     struct ofp_action_header *action_ids;    /* List of actions
+                                                   without any data */
+/* Match, Wildcard or Set-Field property */
+struct ofputil_table_feature_prop_oxm {
+    uint16_t    type;   /* One of OFPTFPT13_MATCH, OFPTFPT13_WILDCARDS,
+                           OFPTFPT13_WRITE_SETFIELD,
+                           OFPTFPT13_WRITE_SETFIELD_MISS,
+                           OFPTFPT13_APPLY_SETFIELD,
+                           OFPTFPT13_APPLY_SETFIELD_MISS. */
+    uint16_t    length; /* Length in bytes of this property. */
+    uint8_t     n_oxm;
+    /* Followed by:
+     *   - Exactly (length - 4) bytes containing the oxm_ids, then
+     *   - Exactly (length + 7)/8*8 - (length) (between 0 and 7)
+     *     bytes of all-zero bytes */
+    /* enum   ofputil_match_bitmap  oxm_bits; */  /*  Array of OXM headers */
+/* Experimenter table feature property */
+struct ofputil_table_feature_prop_experimenter {
+    uint16_t    type;     /* One of OFPTFPT13_EXPERIMENTER,
+                             OFPTFPT13_EXPERIMENTER_MISS. */
+    uint16_t    length;   /* Length in bytes of this property. */
+    uint32_t    experimenter; /* Experimenter ID which takes the same form
+                                 as in struct ofp_experimenter_header. */
+    uint32_t    exp_type;     /* Experimenter defined. */
+    /* Followed by:
+     *   - Exactly (length - 12) bytes containing the experimenter data, then
+     *   - Exactly (length + 7)/8*8 - (length) (between 0 and 7)
+     *     bytes of all-zero bytes */
+    /*uint32_t    experimenter_data[10]; */
+enum ofperr
+ofputil_decode_table_features_request(const struct ofp_header *oh, int *n,
+                         struct ofputil_table_features tfs[], uint32_t *flag);
+enum ofperr
+ofputil_decode_table_features_reply(const struct ofp_header *oh, int *tfs_num,
+                         struct ofputil_table_features tfs[]);
+struct ofpbuf *
+ofputil_encode_table_features_request(enum ofp_version ofp_version);
+ofputil_append_table_features_reply(const struct ofputil_table_features *tf,
+                                    struct list *replies);
+uint16_t get_prop_length(uint16_t type);
+char *get_prop_name(uint16_t type);
+struct ofpbuf *
+ofputil_encode_table_features(const struct ofputil_table_features tfs[], int n,
+                                    const struct ofp_header *oh);
  /* Meter band configuration for all supported band types. */
  struct ofputil_meter_band {
      uint16_t type;
diff --git a/ofproto/ofproto-provider.h b/ofproto/ofproto-provider.h
index 07bb266..5886dec 100644
--- a/ofproto/ofproto-provider.h
+++ b/ofproto/ofproto-provider.h
@@ -152,6 +152,8 @@ struct ofproto {
      struct hmap groups OVS_GUARDED;   /* Contains "struct ofgroup"s. */
      uint32_t n_groups[4] OVS_GUARDED; /* # of existing groups of each type. */
      struct ofputil_group_features ogf;
+    /* ANOTHER solution. it doesn't need to copy */
+    struct ofputil_table_features otf[OFTABLE_NUM]; /* seems like to be "tf", not "otf" */

  void ofproto_init_tables(struct ofproto *, int n_tables);
@@ -258,6 +260,7 @@ struct oftable {
      uint32_t eviction_group_id_basis;
      struct hmap eviction_groups_by_id;
      struct heap eviction_groups_by_size;
+    struct ofputil_table_features tf;

  /* Assigns TABLE to each oftable, in turn, in OFPROTO.

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