[ovs-dev] [PATCH v3] datapath-windows: Netlink command: vport dump

Eitan Eliahu eliahue at vmware.com
Wed Sep 24 14:33:03 UTC 2014

Hi Sam,
Thank you for posting this patch.
Can you please return NT status rather than NDIS status from all NL based functions?
Thank you,

-----Original Message-----
From: Samuel Ghinet [mailto:sghinet at cloudbasesolutions.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2014 7:01 AM
To: dev at openvswitch.org
Cc: Alin Serdean; Nithin Raju; Saurabh Shah; Eitan Eliahu; Ankur Sharma; Kaushik Guha
Subject: [PATCH v3] datapath-windows: Netlink command: vport dump

Functionality for vport dump.
Later, when we will add more netlink dump commands, some common code will need to be split to functions.

a) the current implementation of vport assumes the datapath feature "multiple upcall pids" is not used. A single upcall pid is used now.
c) the vxlan destination udp port is currently a constant. When it will become configurable, the vport options netlink attribute will become relevant.

Signed-off-by: Samuel Ghinet <sghinet at cloudbasesolutions.com>
 datapath-windows/ovsext/Datapath.c | 273 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 datapath-windows/ovsext/Vport.h    |  11 +-
 2 files changed, 276 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/datapath-windows/ovsext/Datapath.c b/datapath-windows/ovsext/Datapath.c
index 0dfdd57..c4c3b71 100644
--- a/datapath-windows/ovsext/Datapath.c
+++ b/datapath-windows/ovsext/Datapath.c
@@ -99,7 +99,8 @@ static NetlinkCmdHandler OvsGetPidCmdHandler,
-                         OvsSetDpCmdHandler;
+                         OvsSetDpCmdHandler,
+                         OvsGetVportCmdHandler;
 static NTSTATUS HandleGetDpTransaction(POVS_USER_PARAMS_CONTEXT usrParamsCtx,
                                        UINT32 *replyLen); @@ -180,14 +181,22 @@ NETLINK_FAMILY nlPacketFamilyOps = {  };
 /* Netlink vport family. */
-/* XXX: Add commands here. */
+NETLINK_CMD nlVportFamilyCmdOps[] = {
+    { .cmd = OVS_VPORT_CMD_GET,
+      .handler = OvsGetVportCmdHandler,
+      .supportedDevOp = OVS_WRITE_DEV_OP | OVS_READ_DEV_OP |
+                        OVS_TRANSACTION_DEV_OP,
+      .validateDpIndex = TRUE
+    }
 NETLINK_FAMILY nlVportFamilyOps = {
     .name     = OVS_VPORT_FAMILY,
     .id       = OVS_WIN_NL_VPORT_FAMILY_ID,
     .version  = OVS_VPORT_VERSION,
     .maxAttr  = OVS_VPORT_ATTR_MAX,
-    .cmds     = NULL, /* XXX: placeholder. */
-    .opsCount = 0
+    .cmds     = nlVportFamilyCmdOps,
+    .opsCount = ARRAY_SIZE(nlVportFamilyCmdOps)
 /* Netlink flow family. */
@@ -691,10 +700,11 @@ OvsDeviceControl(PDEVICE_OBJECT deviceObject,
         status = STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED;
         goto done;
+        nlFamilyOps = &nlVportFamilyOps;
+        break;
         goto done;
@@ -1179,6 +1189,257 @@ OvsSetupDumpStart(POVS_USER_PARAMS_CONTEXT usrParamsCtx)
     return InitUserDumpState(instance, msgIn);  }
+static VOID
+BuildMsgOut(POVS_MESSAGE msgIn, POVS_MESSAGE msgOut, UINT16 type,
+                     UINT32 length, UINT16 flags) {
+    msgOut->nlMsg.nlmsgType = type;
+    msgOut->nlMsg.nlmsgFlags = flags;
+    msgOut->nlMsg.nlmsgSeq = msgIn->nlMsg.nlmsgSeq;
+    msgOut->nlMsg.nlmsgPid = msgIn->nlMsg.nlmsgPid;
+    msgOut->nlMsg.nlmsgLen = length;
+    msgOut->genlMsg.cmd = msgIn->genlMsg.cmd;
+    msgOut->genlMsg.version = nlDatapathFamilyOps.version;
+    msgOut->genlMsg.reserved = 0;
+static VOID
+BuildReplyMsgFromMsgIn(POVS_MESSAGE msgIn, POVS_MESSAGE msgOut, UINT16 
+flags) {
+    BuildMsgOut(msgIn, msgOut, msgIn->nlMsg.nlmsgType, sizeof(OVS_MESSAGE),
+                flags);
+static NTSTATUS
+OvsCreateMsgFromVport(POVS_VPORT_ENTRY vport,
+                      POVS_MESSAGE msgIn,
+                      PVOID outBuffer,
+                      UINT32 outBufLen,
+                      int dpIfIndex)
+    NL_BUFFER nlBuffer;
+    OVS_VPORT_FULL_STATS vportStats;
+    BOOLEAN ok;
+    OVS_MESSAGE msgOut;
+    PNL_MSG_HDR nlMsg;
+    NlBufInit(&nlBuffer, outBuffer, outBufLen);
+    BuildReplyMsgFromMsgIn(msgIn, &msgOut, NLM_F_MULTI);
+    msgOut.ovsHdr.dp_ifindex = dpIfIndex;
+    ok = NlMsgPutHead(&nlBuffer, (PCHAR)&msgOut, sizeof msgOut);
+    if (!ok) {
+        return NDIS_STATUS_RESOURCES;
+    }
+    ok = NlMsgPutTailU32(&nlBuffer, OVS_VPORT_ATTR_PORT_NO, vport->portNo);
+    if (!ok) {
+        return NDIS_STATUS_RESOURCES;
+    }
+    ok = NlMsgPutTailU32(&nlBuffer, OVS_VPORT_ATTR_TYPE, vport->ovsType);
+    if (!ok) {
+        return NDIS_STATUS_RESOURCES;
+    }
+    ok = NlMsgPutTailString(&nlBuffer, OVS_VPORT_ATTR_NAME, vport->ovsName);
+    if (!ok) {
+        return NDIS_STATUS_RESOURCES;
+    }
+    /*
+     * XXX: when we implement OVS_DP_ATTR_USER_FEATURES in datapath,
+     * we'll need to check the OVS_DP_F_VPORT_PIDS flag: if it is set,
+     * it means we have an array of pids, instead of a single pid.
+     * ATM we assume we have one pid only.
+    */
+    ok = NlMsgPutTailU32(&nlBuffer, OVS_VPORT_ATTR_UPCALL_PID,
+                         vport->upcallPid);
+    if (!ok) {
+        return NDIS_STATUS_RESOURCES;
+    }
+    /*stats*/
+    vportStats.rxPackets = vport->stats.rxPackets;
+    vportStats.rxBytes = vport->stats.rxBytes;
+    vportStats.txPackets = vport->stats.txPackets;
+    vportStats.txBytes = vport->stats.txBytes;
+    vportStats.rxErrors = vport->errStats.rxErrors;
+    vportStats.txErrors = vport->errStats.txErrors;
+    vportStats.rxDropped = vport->errStats.rxDropped;
+    vportStats.txDropped = vport->errStats.txDropped;
+    ok = NlMsgPutTailUnspec(&nlBuffer, OVS_VPORT_ATTR_STATS,
+                            (PCHAR)&vportStats,
+                            sizeof(OVS_VPORT_FULL_STATS));
+    if (!ok) {
+        return NDIS_STATUS_RESOURCES;
+    }
+    /*
+     * XXX: when vxlan udp dest port becomes configurable, we will also need
+     * to add vport options
+    */
+    nlMsg = (PNL_MSG_HDR)NlBufAt(&nlBuffer, 0, 0);
+    nlMsg->nlmsgLen = NlBufSize(&nlBuffer);
+    return STATUS_SUCCESS;
+static NTSTATUS
+OvsGetVportDumpNext(POVS_USER_PARAMS_CONTEXT usrParamsCtx,
+                    UINT32 *replyLen)
+    POVS_MESSAGE msgIn;
+    POVS_OPEN_INSTANCE instance =
+        (POVS_OPEN_INSTANCE)usrParamsCtx->ovsInstance;
+    LOCK_STATE_EX lockState;
+    /*
+     * XXX: this function shares some code with other dump command(s).
+     * In the future, we will need to refactor the dump functions
+    */
+    ASSERT(usrParamsCtx->devOp == OVS_READ_DEV_OP);
+    if (instance->dumpState.ovsMsg == NULL) {
+        ASSERT(FALSE);
+    }
+    /* Output buffer has been validated while validating read dev op. */
+    ASSERT(usrParamsCtx->outputBuffer != NULL);
+    msgIn = instance->dumpState.ovsMsg;
+    OvsAcquireCtrlLock();
+    if (!gOvsSwitchContext) {
+        /* Treat this as a dump done. */
+        OvsReleaseCtrlLock();
+        *replyLen = 0;
+        FreeUserDumpState(instance);
+        return STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    }
+    /*
+     * XXX: when we implement OVS_DP_ATTR_USER_FEATURES in datapath,
+     * we'll need to check the OVS_DP_F_VPORT_PIDS flag: if it is set,
+     * it means we have an array of pids, instead of a single pid.
+     * ATM we assume we have one pid only.
+    */
+    NdisAcquireRWLockRead(gOvsSwitchContext->dispatchLock, &lockState, 
+ 0);
+    if (gOvsSwitchContext->numVports > 0) {
+        /* inBucket: the bucket, used for lookup */
+        UINT32 inBucket = instance->dumpState.index[0];
+        /* inIndex: index within the given bucket, used for lookup */
+        UINT32 inIndex = instance->dumpState.index[1];
+        /* the bucket to be used for the next dump operation */
+        UINT32 outBucket = 0;
+        /* the index within the outBucket to be used for the next dump */
+        UINT32 outIndex = 0;
+        for (i = inBucket; i < OVS_MAX_VPORT_ARRAY_SIZE; i++) {
+            PLIST_ENTRY head, link;
+            head = &(gOvsSwitchContext->portHashArray[i]);
+            POVS_VPORT_ENTRY vport = NULL;
+            outIndex = 0;
+            LIST_FORALL(head, link) {
+                /*
+                 * if one or more dumps were previously done on this same bucket,
+                 * inIndex will be > 0, so we'll need to reply with the
+                 * inIndex + 1 vport from the bucket.
+                */
+                if (outIndex >= inIndex) {
+                    vport = CONTAINING_RECORD(link, OVS_VPORT_ENTRY, 
+ portLink);
+                    if (vport->portNo != 0) {
+                        OvsCreateMsgFromVport(vport, msgIn,
+                                              usrParamsCtx->outputBuffer,
+                                              usrParamsCtx->outputLength,
+                                              gOvsSwitchContext->dpNo);
+                        ++outIndex;
+                        break;
+                    } else {
+                        vport = NULL;
+                    }
+                }
+                ++outIndex;
+            }
+            if (vport) {
+                break;
+            }
+            /*
+             * if no vport was found above, check the next bucket, beginning
+             * with the first (i.e. index 0) elem from within that bucket
+            */
+            inIndex = 0;
+        }
+        outBucket = i;
+        /* XXX: what about NLMSG_DONE (as msg type)? */
+        instance->dumpState.index[0] = outBucket;
+        instance->dumpState.index[1] = outIndex;
+    }
+    NdisReleaseRWLock(gOvsSwitchContext->dispatchLock, &lockState);
+    OvsReleaseCtrlLock();
+    /* if i < OVS_MAX_VPORT_ARRAY_SIZE => vport was found */
+    if (i < OVS_MAX_VPORT_ARRAY_SIZE) {
+        POVS_MESSAGE msgOut = (POVS_MESSAGE)usrParamsCtx->outputBuffer;
+        *replyLen = msgOut->nlMsg.nlmsgLen;
+    } else {
+        /*
+         * if i >= OVS_MAX_VPORT_ARRAY_SIZE => vport was not found =>
+         * it's dump done
+         */
+        *replyLen = 0;
+        /* Free up the dump state, since there's no more data to continue. */
+        FreeUserDumpState(instance);
+    }
+    return STATUS_SUCCESS;
+ * 
+ *  Handler for the get vport command. The function handles the initial 
+call to
+ *  setup the dump state, as well as subsequent calls to continue dumping data.
+ * 
+static NTSTATUS
+OvsGetVportCmdHandler(POVS_USER_PARAMS_CONTEXT usrParamsCtx,
+                      UINT32 *replyLen) {
+    switch (usrParamsCtx->devOp)
+    {
+    case OVS_WRITE_DEV_OP:
+        *replyLen = 0;
+        return OvsSetupDumpStart(usrParamsCtx);
+    case OVS_READ_DEV_OP:
+        return OvsGetVportDumpNext(usrParamsCtx, replyLen);
+    default:
+    }
  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  *  Utility function to map the output buffer in an IRP. The buffer is assumed diff --git a/datapath-windows/ovsext/Vport.h b/datapath-windows/ovsext/Vport.h index fe48d1e..5450fca 100644
--- a/datapath-windows/ovsext/Vport.h
+++ b/datapath-windows/ovsext/Vport.h
@@ -39,10 +39,10 @@ typedef enum {
 typedef struct _OVS_VPORT_STATS {
-    UINT64 rxBytes;
     UINT64 rxPackets;
-    UINT64 txBytes;
     UINT64 txPackets;
+    UINT64 rxBytes;
+    UINT64 txBytes;
 typedef struct _OVS_VPORT_ERR_STATS {
@@ -51,6 +51,12 @@ typedef struct _OVS_VPORT_ERR_STATS {
     UINT64  rxDropped;
     UINT64  txDropped;
+/* used for vport netlink commands. */
+typedef struct _OVS_VPORT_FULL_STATS {
  * Each internal, external adapter or vritual adapter has
  * one vport entry. In addition, we have one vport for each @@ -87,6 +93,7 @@ typedef struct _OVS_VPORT_ENTRY {
     NDIS_VM_NAME           vmName;
     GUID                   netCfgInstanceId;
     BOOLEAN                isExternal;
+    UINT32                 upcallPid; /* netlink upcall port id */

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