[ovs-dev] [PATCH] netdev-linux: Support for SFQ, FQ_CoDel and CoDel qdiscs.

Jonathan Vestin jonavest at kau.se
Wed Mar 18 16:13:01 UTC 2015

This patch adds support for SFQ, CoDel and FQ_CoDel classless qdiscs to Open vSwitch. It also removes the requirement for a QoS to have at least one Queue (as this makes no sense when using classless qdiscs). I have also not implemented class_{get,set,delete,get_stats,dump_stats} because they are meant for qdiscs with classes. 

Signed-off-by: Jonathan Vestin <jonavest at kau.se>
diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS
index 9c7ba62..93e05f9 100644
--- a/NEWS
+++ b/NEWS
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
+   - Added support for SFQ, FQ_CoDel and CoDel qdiscs. 
    - Add bash command-line completion support for ovs-vsctl Please check
      utilities/ovs-command-compgen.INSTALL.md for how to use.
    - The MAC learning feature now includes per-port fairness to mitigate
diff --git a/lib/netdev-linux.c b/lib/netdev-linux.c
index 8c896d6..2ad7cb3 100644
--- a/lib/netdev-linux.c
+++ b/lib/netdev-linux.c
@@ -377,12 +377,18 @@ tc_destroy(struct tc *tc)
 static const struct tc_ops tc_ops_htb;
 static const struct tc_ops tc_ops_hfsc;
+static const struct tc_ops tc_ops_codel;
+static const struct tc_ops tc_ops_fqcodel;
+static const struct tc_ops tc_ops_sfq;
 static const struct tc_ops tc_ops_default;
 static const struct tc_ops tc_ops_other;
 static const struct tc_ops *const tcs[] = {
     &tc_ops_htb,                /* Hierarchy token bucket (see tc-htb(8)). */
     &tc_ops_hfsc,               /* Hierarchical fair service curve. */
+    &tc_ops_codel,              /* Controlled delay */
+    &tc_ops_fqcodel,            /* Fair queue controlled delay */
+    &tc_ops_sfq,                /* Stochastic fair queueing */
     &tc_ops_default,            /* Default qdisc (see tc-pfifo_fast(8)). */
     &tc_ops_other,              /* Some other qdisc. */
@@ -2832,6 +2838,631 @@ const struct netdev_class netdev_internal_class =
         NULL,                  /* get_features */
+#define CODEL_N_QUEUES 0x0000
+struct codel {
+    struct tc tc;
+    uint32_t target;
+    uint32_t limit;
+    uint32_t interval;
+static struct codel *
+codel_get__(const struct netdev *netdev_)
+    struct netdev_linux *netdev = netdev_linux_cast(netdev_);
+    return CONTAINER_OF(netdev->tc, struct codel, tc);
+static void
+codel_install__(struct netdev *netdev_, uint32_t target, uint32_t limit, 
+                uint32_t interval)
+    struct netdev_linux *netdev = netdev_linux_cast(netdev_);
+    struct codel *codel;
+    codel = xmalloc(sizeof *codel);
+    tc_init(&codel->tc, &tc_ops_codel);
+    codel->target = target;
+    codel->limit = limit;
+    codel->interval = interval;
+    netdev->tc = &codel->tc;
+static int
+codel_setup_qdisc__(struct netdev *netdev, uint32_t target, uint32_t limit, 
+                    uint32_t interval)
+    size_t opt_offset;
+    struct ofpbuf request;
+    struct tcmsg *tcmsg;
+    uint32_t otarget, olimit, ointerval;
+    int error;
+    tc_del_qdisc(netdev);
+    tcmsg = tc_make_request(netdev, RTM_NEWQDISC,
+                            NLM_F_EXCL | NLM_F_CREATE, &request);
+    if (!tcmsg) {
+        return ENODEV;
+    }
+    tcmsg->tcm_handle = tc_make_handle(1, 0);
+    tcmsg->tcm_parent = TC_H_ROOT;
+    otarget = target ? target : 5000;
+    olimit = limit ? limit : 10240;
+    ointerval = interval ? interval : 100000;
+    nl_msg_put_string(&request, TCA_KIND, "codel");
+    opt_offset = nl_msg_start_nested(&request, TCA_OPTIONS);
+    nl_msg_put_unspec(&request, TCA_CODEL_TARGET, &otarget, sizeof otarget);
+    nl_msg_put_unspec(&request, TCA_CODEL_LIMIT, &olimit, sizeof olimit);
+    nl_msg_put_unspec(&request, TCA_CODEL_INTERVAL, &ointerval, 
+                      sizeof ointerval);
+    nl_msg_end_nested(&request, opt_offset);
+    error = tc_transact(&request, NULL);
+    if (error) {
+        VLOG_WARN_RL(&rl, "failed to replace %s qdisc, "
+        "target %u, limit %u, interval %u error %d(%s)", 
+        netdev_get_name(netdev),
+        otarget, olimit, ointerval, 
+        error, ovs_strerror(error));
+    }
+    return error;
+static void
+codel_parse_qdisc_details__(struct netdev *netdev OVS_UNUSED,
+                            const struct smap *details, struct codel *codel)
+    const char *target_s;
+    const char *limit_s;
+    const char *interval_s;
+    target_s = smap_get(details, "target");
+    limit_s = smap_get(details, "limit");
+    interval_s = smap_get(details, "interval");
+    codel->target = target_s ? strtoull(target_s, NULL, 10) : 0;
+    codel->limit = limit_s ? strtoull(limit_s, NULL, 10) : 0;
+    codel->interval = interval_s ? strtoull(interval_s, NULL, 10) : 0;
+    if (!codel->target) codel->target = 5000;
+    if (!codel->limit) codel->limit = 10240;
+    if (!codel->interval) codel->interval = 100000;
+static int
+codel_tc_install(struct netdev *netdev, const struct smap *details)
+    int error;
+    struct codel codel;
+    codel_parse_qdisc_details__(netdev, details, &codel);
+    error = codel_setup_qdisc__(netdev, codel.target, codel.limit, 
+                                codel.interval);
+    if (!error) {
+        codel_install__(netdev, codel.target, codel.limit, codel.interval);
+    }
+    return error;
+static int
+codel_parse_tca_options__(struct nlattr *nl_options, struct codel *codel)
+    static const struct nl_policy tca_codel_policy[] = {
+        [TCA_CODEL_TARGET] = { .type = NL_A_U32 },
+        [TCA_CODEL_LIMIT] = { .type = NL_A_U32 },
+        [TCA_CODEL_INTERVAL] = { .type = NL_A_U32 }
+    };
+    struct nlattr *attrs[ARRAY_SIZE(tca_codel_policy)];
+    if (!nl_parse_nested(nl_options, tca_codel_policy,
+                         attrs, ARRAY_SIZE(tca_codel_policy))) {
+        VLOG_WARN_RL(&rl, "failed to parse CoDel class options");
+        return EPROTO;
+    }
+    codel->target = *((uint32_t *)nl_attr_get(attrs[TCA_CODEL_TARGET]));
+    codel->limit = *((uint32_t *)nl_attr_get(attrs[TCA_CODEL_LIMIT]));
+    codel->interval = *((uint32_t *)nl_attr_get(attrs[TCA_CODEL_INTERVAL]));
+    return 0;
+static int
+codel_tc_load(struct netdev *netdev, struct ofpbuf *nlmsg)
+    struct nlattr *nlattr;
+    const char * kind;
+    int error;
+    struct codel codel;
+    error = tc_parse_qdisc(nlmsg, &kind, &nlattr);
+    if (error != 0) {
+        return error;
+    }
+    error = codel_parse_tca_options__(nlattr, &codel);
+    if (error != 0) {
+        return error;
+    }
+    codel_install__(netdev, codel.target, codel.limit, codel.interval);
+    return 0;
+static void
+codel_tc_destroy(struct tc *tc)
+    struct codel *codel = CONTAINER_OF(tc, struct codel, tc);
+    tc_destroy(tc);
+    free(codel);
+static int
+codel_qdisc_get(const struct netdev *netdev, struct smap *details)
+    const struct codel *codel = codel_get__(netdev);
+    smap_add_format(details, "target", "%u", codel->target);
+    smap_add_format(details, "limit", "%u", codel->limit);
+    smap_add_format(details, "interval", "%u", codel->interval);
+    return 0;
+static int
+codel_qdisc_set(struct netdev *netdev, const struct smap *details)
+    struct codel codel;
+    codel_parse_qdisc_details__(netdev, details, &codel);
+    codel_install__(netdev, codel.target, codel.limit, codel.interval);
+    codel_get__(netdev)->target = codel.target;
+    codel_get__(netdev)->limit = codel.limit;
+    codel_get__(netdev)->interval = codel.interval;
+    return 0;
+static const struct tc_ops tc_ops_codel = {
+    "codel",                      /* linux_name */
+    "linux-codel",                /* ovs_name */
+    CODEL_N_QUEUES,               /* n_queues */
+    codel_tc_install,
+    codel_tc_load,
+    codel_tc_destroy,
+    codel_qdisc_get,
+    codel_qdisc_set,
+    NULL,
+    NULL,
+    NULL,
+    NULL,
+    NULL
+/* FQ-CoDel traffic control class. */
+#define FQCODEL_N_QUEUES 0x0000
+struct fqcodel {
+    struct tc tc;
+    uint32_t target;
+    uint32_t limit;
+    uint32_t interval;
+    uint32_t flows;
+    uint32_t quantum;
+static struct fqcodel *
+fqcodel_get__(const struct netdev *netdev_)
+    struct netdev_linux *netdev = netdev_linux_cast(netdev_);
+    return CONTAINER_OF(netdev->tc, struct fqcodel, tc);
+static void
+fqcodel_install__(struct netdev *netdev_, uint32_t target, uint32_t limit, 
+                  uint32_t interval, uint32_t flows, uint32_t quantum)
+    struct netdev_linux *netdev = netdev_linux_cast(netdev_);
+    struct fqcodel *fqcodel;
+    fqcodel = xmalloc(sizeof *fqcodel);
+    tc_init(&fqcodel->tc, &tc_ops_fqcodel);
+    fqcodel->target = target;
+    fqcodel->limit = limit;
+    fqcodel->interval = interval;
+    fqcodel->flows = flows;
+    fqcodel->quantum = quantum;
+    netdev->tc = &fqcodel->tc;
+static int
+fqcodel_setup_qdisc__(struct netdev *netdev, uint32_t target, uint32_t limit, 
+                      uint32_t interval, uint32_t flows, uint32_t quantum)
+    size_t opt_offset;
+    struct ofpbuf request;
+    struct tcmsg *tcmsg;
+    uint32_t otarget, olimit, ointerval, oflows,  oquantum;
+    int error;
+    tc_del_qdisc(netdev);
+    tcmsg = tc_make_request(netdev, RTM_NEWQDISC,
+                            NLM_F_EXCL | NLM_F_CREATE, &request);
+    if (!tcmsg) {
+        return ENODEV;
+    }
+    tcmsg->tcm_handle = tc_make_handle(1, 0);
+    tcmsg->tcm_parent = TC_H_ROOT;
+    otarget = target ? target : 5000;
+    olimit = limit ? limit : 10240;
+    ointerval = interval ? interval : 100000;
+    oflows = flows ? flows : 1024;
+    oquantum = quantum ? quantum : 1514; /* fq_codel default quantum is 1514 
+                                            not mtu */
+    nl_msg_put_string(&request, TCA_KIND, "fq_codel");
+    opt_offset = nl_msg_start_nested(&request, TCA_OPTIONS);
+    nl_msg_put_unspec(&request, TCA_FQ_CODEL_TARGET, &otarget, sizeof otarget);
+    nl_msg_put_unspec(&request, TCA_FQ_CODEL_LIMIT, &olimit, sizeof olimit);
+    nl_msg_put_unspec(&request, TCA_FQ_CODEL_INTERVAL, &ointerval, 
+                      sizeof ointerval);
+    nl_msg_put_unspec(&request, TCA_FQ_CODEL_FLOWS, &oflows, sizeof oflows);
+    nl_msg_put_unspec(&request, TCA_FQ_CODEL_QUANTUM, &oquantum, 
+                      sizeof oquantum);
+    nl_msg_end_nested(&request, opt_offset);
+    error = tc_transact(&request, NULL);
+    if (error) {
+        VLOG_WARN_RL(&rl, "failed to replace %s qdisc, "
+        "target %u, limit %u, interval %u, flows %u, quantum %u error %d(%s)", 
+        netdev_get_name(netdev),
+        otarget, olimit, ointerval, oflows, oquantum, 
+        error, ovs_strerror(error));
+    }
+    return error;
+static void
+fqcodel_parse_qdisc_details__(struct netdev *netdev OVS_UNUSED,
+                          const struct smap *details, struct fqcodel *fqcodel)
+    const char *target_s;
+    const char *limit_s;
+    const char *interval_s;
+    const char *flows_s;
+    const char *quantum_s;
+    target_s = smap_get(details, "target");
+    limit_s = smap_get(details, "limit");
+    interval_s = smap_get(details, "interval");
+    flows_s = smap_get(details, "flows");
+    quantum_s = smap_get(details, "quantum");
+    fqcodel->target = target_s ? strtoull(target_s, NULL, 10) : 0;
+    fqcodel->limit = limit_s ? strtoull(limit_s, NULL, 10) : 0;
+    fqcodel->interval = interval_s ? strtoull(interval_s, NULL, 10) : 0;
+    fqcodel->flows = flows_s ? strtoull(flows_s, NULL, 10) : 0;
+    fqcodel->quantum = quantum_s ? strtoull(quantum_s, NULL, 10) : 0;
+    if (!fqcodel->target) fqcodel->target = 5000;
+    if (!fqcodel->limit) fqcodel->limit = 10240;
+    if (!fqcodel->interval) fqcodel->interval = 1000000;
+    if (!fqcodel->flows) fqcodel->flows = 1024;
+    if (!fqcodel->quantum) fqcodel->quantum = 1514;
+static int
+fqcodel_tc_install(struct netdev *netdev, const struct smap *details)
+    int error;
+    struct fqcodel fqcodel;
+    fqcodel_parse_qdisc_details__(netdev, details, &fqcodel);
+    error = fqcodel_setup_qdisc__(netdev, fqcodel.target, fqcodel.limit, 
+                                  fqcodel.interval, fqcodel.flows, 
+                                  fqcodel.quantum);
+    if (!error) {
+        fqcodel_install__(netdev, fqcodel.target, fqcodel.limit, 
+                          fqcodel.interval, fqcodel.flows, fqcodel.quantum);
+    }
+    return error;
+static int
+fqcodel_parse_tca_options__(struct nlattr *nl_options, struct fqcodel *fqcodel)
+    static const struct nl_policy tca_fqcodel_policy[] = {
+        [TCA_FQ_CODEL_TARGET] = { .type = NL_A_U32 },
+        [TCA_FQ_CODEL_LIMIT] = { .type = NL_A_U32 },
+        [TCA_FQ_CODEL_INTERVAL] = { .type = NL_A_U32 },
+        [TCA_FQ_CODEL_FLOWS] = { .type = NL_A_U32 },
+        [TCA_FQ_CODEL_QUANTUM] = { .type = NL_A_U32 }
+    };
+    struct nlattr *attrs[ARRAY_SIZE(tca_fqcodel_policy)];
+    if (!nl_parse_nested(nl_options, tca_fqcodel_policy,
+                         attrs, ARRAY_SIZE(tca_fqcodel_policy))) {
+        VLOG_WARN_RL(&rl, "failed to parse FQ_CoDel class options");
+        return EPROTO;
+    }
+    fqcodel->target = *((uint32_t *)nl_attr_get(attrs[TCA_FQ_CODEL_TARGET]));
+    fqcodel->limit = *((uint32_t *)nl_attr_get(attrs[TCA_FQ_CODEL_LIMIT]));
+    fqcodel->interval =*((uint32_t *)nl_attr_get(attrs[TCA_FQ_CODEL_INTERVAL]));
+    fqcodel->flows = *((uint32_t *)nl_attr_get(attrs[TCA_FQ_CODEL_FLOWS]));
+    fqcodel->quantum = *((uint32_t *)nl_attr_get(attrs[TCA_FQ_CODEL_QUANTUM]));
+    return 0;
+static int
+fqcodel_tc_load(struct netdev *netdev, struct ofpbuf *nlmsg)
+    struct nlattr *nlattr;
+    const char * kind;
+    int error;
+    struct fqcodel fqcodel;
+    error = tc_parse_qdisc(nlmsg, &kind, &nlattr);
+    if (error != 0) {
+        return error;
+    }
+    error = fqcodel_parse_tca_options__(nlattr, &fqcodel);
+    if (error != 0) {
+        return error;
+    }
+    fqcodel_install__(netdev, fqcodel.target, fqcodel.limit, fqcodel.interval, 
+                      fqcodel.flows, fqcodel.quantum);
+    return 0;
+static void
+fqcodel_tc_destroy(struct tc *tc)
+    struct fqcodel *fqcodel = CONTAINER_OF(tc, struct fqcodel, tc);
+    tc_destroy(tc);
+    free(fqcodel);
+static int
+fqcodel_qdisc_get(const struct netdev *netdev, struct smap *details)
+    const struct fqcodel *fqcodel = fqcodel_get__(netdev);
+    smap_add_format(details, "target", "%u", fqcodel->target);
+    smap_add_format(details, "limit", "%u", fqcodel->limit);
+    smap_add_format(details, "interval", "%u", fqcodel->interval);
+    smap_add_format(details, "flows", "%u", fqcodel->flows);
+    smap_add_format(details, "quantum", "%u", fqcodel->quantum);
+    return 0;
+static int
+fqcodel_qdisc_set(struct netdev *netdev, const struct smap *details)
+    struct fqcodel fqcodel;
+    fqcodel_parse_qdisc_details__(netdev, details, &fqcodel);
+    fqcodel_install__(netdev, fqcodel.target, fqcodel.limit, fqcodel.interval, 
+                      fqcodel.flows, fqcodel.quantum);
+    fqcodel_get__(netdev)->target = fqcodel.target;
+    fqcodel_get__(netdev)->limit = fqcodel.limit;
+    fqcodel_get__(netdev)->interval = fqcodel.interval;
+    fqcodel_get__(netdev)->flows = fqcodel.flows;
+    fqcodel_get__(netdev)->quantum = fqcodel.quantum;
+    return 0;
+static const struct tc_ops tc_ops_fqcodel = {
+    "fq_codel",                      /* linux_name */
+    "linux-fq_codel",                /* ovs_name */
+    FQCODEL_N_QUEUES,                /* n_queues */
+    fqcodel_tc_install,
+    fqcodel_tc_load,
+    fqcodel_tc_destroy,
+    fqcodel_qdisc_get,
+    fqcodel_qdisc_set,
+    NULL,
+    NULL,
+    NULL,
+    NULL,
+    NULL
+/* SFQ traffic control class. */
+#define SFQ_N_QUEUES 0x0000
+struct sfq {
+    struct tc tc;
+    uint32_t quantum;
+    uint32_t perturb;
+static struct sfq *
+sfq_get__(const struct netdev *netdev_)
+    struct netdev_linux *netdev = netdev_linux_cast(netdev_);
+    return CONTAINER_OF(netdev->tc, struct sfq, tc);
+static void
+sfq_install__(struct netdev *netdev_, uint32_t quantum, uint32_t perturb)
+    struct netdev_linux *netdev = netdev_linux_cast(netdev_);
+    struct sfq *sfq;
+    sfq = xmalloc(sizeof *sfq);
+    tc_init(&sfq->tc, &tc_ops_sfq);
+    sfq->perturb = perturb;
+    sfq->quantum = quantum;
+    netdev->tc = &sfq->tc;
+static int
+sfq_setup_qdisc__(struct netdev *netdev, uint32_t quantum, uint32_t perturb)
+    struct tc_sfq_qopt opt;
+    struct ofpbuf request;
+    struct tcmsg *tcmsg;
+    int mtu;
+    int mtu_error, error;
+    mtu_error = netdev_linux_get_mtu__(netdev_linux_cast(netdev), &mtu);
+    tc_del_qdisc(netdev);
+    tcmsg = tc_make_request(netdev, RTM_NEWQDISC,
+                            NLM_F_EXCL | NLM_F_CREATE, &request);
+    if (!tcmsg) {
+        return ENODEV;
+    }
+    tcmsg->tcm_handle = tc_make_handle(1, 0);
+    tcmsg->tcm_parent = TC_H_ROOT;
+    memset(&opt, 0, sizeof opt);
+    if (!quantum) {
+        if (!mtu_error)
+            opt.quantum = mtu; /* if we cannot find mtu, use default */
+    }
+    else {
+        opt.quantum = quantum;
+    }
+    if (!perturb) {
+        opt.perturb_period = 10;
+    }
+    else {
+        opt.perturb_period = perturb;
+    }
+    nl_msg_put_string(&request, TCA_KIND, "sfq");
+    nl_msg_put_unspec(&request, TCA_OPTIONS, &opt, sizeof opt);
+    error = tc_transact(&request, NULL);
+    if (error) {
+        VLOG_WARN_RL(&rl, "failed to replace %s qdisc, "
+        "quantum %u, perturb %u error %d(%s)", 
+        netdev_get_name(netdev),
+        opt.quantum, opt.perturb_period, 
+        error, ovs_strerror(error));
+    }
+    return error;
+static void
+sfq_parse_qdisc_details__(struct netdev *netdev,
+                          const struct smap *details, struct sfq *sfq)
+    const char *perturb_s;
+    const char *quantum_s;
+    int mtu;
+    int mtu_error;
+    perturb_s = smap_get(details, "perturb");
+    quantum_s = smap_get(details, "quantum");
+    sfq->perturb = perturb_s ? strtoull(perturb_s, NULL, 10) : 0;
+    sfq->quantum = quantum_s ? strtoull(quantum_s, NULL, 10) : 0;
+    if (!sfq->perturb) {
+        sfq->perturb = 10;
+    }
+    if (!sfq->quantum) {
+        mtu_error = netdev_linux_get_mtu__(netdev_linux_cast(netdev), &mtu);
+        if(!mtu_error) {
+            sfq->quantum = mtu;
+        } else {
+            VLOG_WARN_RL(&rl, "when using SFQ, you must specify quantum on a " 
+                              "device without mtu");
+            return;
+        }
+    }
+static int
+sfq_tc_install(struct netdev *netdev, const struct smap *details)
+    int error;
+    struct sfq sfq;
+    sfq_parse_qdisc_details__(netdev, details, &sfq);
+    error = sfq_setup_qdisc__(netdev, sfq.quantum, sfq.perturb);
+    if (!error) {
+        sfq_install__(netdev, sfq.quantum, sfq.perturb);
+    }
+    return error;
+static int
+sfq_tc_load(struct netdev *netdev, struct ofpbuf *nlmsg)
+    const struct tc_sfq_qopt *sfq;
+    struct nlattr *nlattr;
+    const char * kind;
+    int error;
+    error = tc_parse_qdisc(nlmsg, &kind, &nlattr);
+    if (error == 0) {
+        sfq = nl_attr_get(nlattr);
+        sfq_install__(netdev, sfq->perturb_period, sfq->quantum);
+        return 0;
+    }
+    return error;
+static void
+sfq_tc_destroy(struct tc *tc)
+    struct sfq *sfq = CONTAINER_OF(tc, struct sfq, tc);
+    tc_destroy(tc);
+    free(sfq);
+static int
+sfq_qdisc_get(const struct netdev *netdev, struct smap *details)
+    const struct sfq *sfq = sfq_get__(netdev);
+    smap_add_format(details, "quantum", "%u", sfq->quantum);
+    smap_add_format(details, "perturb", "%u", sfq->perturb);
+    return 0;
+static int
+sfq_qdisc_set(struct netdev *netdev, const struct smap *details)
+    struct sfq sfq;
+    sfq_parse_qdisc_details__(netdev, details, &sfq);
+    sfq_install__(netdev, sfq.quantum, sfq.perturb);
+    sfq_get__(netdev)->quantum = sfq.quantum;
+    sfq_get__(netdev)->perturb = sfq.perturb;
+    return 0;
+static const struct tc_ops tc_ops_sfq = {
+    "sfq",                      /* linux_name */
+    "linux-sfq",                /* ovs_name */
+    SFQ_N_QUEUES,               /* n_queues */
+    sfq_tc_install,
+    sfq_tc_load,
+    sfq_tc_destroy,
+    sfq_qdisc_get,
+    sfq_qdisc_set,
+    NULL,
+    NULL,
+    NULL,
+    NULL,
+    NULL
 /* HTB traffic control class. */
 #define HTB_N_QUEUES 0xf000
diff --git a/vswitchd/bridge.c b/vswitchd/bridge.c
index 85bbfa3..583eb93 100644
--- a/vswitchd/bridge.c
+++ b/vswitchd/bridge.c
@@ -4382,7 +4382,7 @@ iface_configure_qos(struct iface *iface, const struct ovsrec_qos *qos)
     ofpbuf_init(&queues_buf, 0);
-    if (!qos || qos->type[0] == '\0' || qos->n_queues < 1) {
+    if (!qos || qos->type[0] == '\0') {
         netdev_set_qos(iface->netdev, NULL, NULL);
     } else {
         const struct ovsdb_datum *queues;
diff --git a/vswitchd/vswitch.xml b/vswitchd/vswitch.xml
index 1bd6522..466e7c0 100644
--- a/vswitchd/vswitch.xml
+++ b/vswitchd/vswitch.xml
@@ -3149,6 +3149,24 @@
           information on how this classifier works.
+      <dl>
+        <dt><code>linux-sfq</code></dt>
+        <dd>
+          Linux "Stochastic Fairness Queueing" classifier. See tc-sfq(8) (also at <code>http://linux.die.net/man/8/tc-sfq</code> ) for information on how this classifier works. 
+        </dd>
+      </dl>
+      <dl>
+        <dt><code>linux-codel</code></dt>
+        <dd>
+          Linux "Controlled Delay" classifier. See tc-codel(8) (also at <code>http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man8/tc-codel.8.html</code> ) for information on how this classifier works. 
+        </dd>
+      </dl>
+      <dl>
+        <dt><code>linux-fq_codel</code></dt>
+        <dd>
+          Linux "Fair Queuing with Controlled Delay" classifier. See tc-fq_codel(8) (also at <code>http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man8/tc-fq_codel.8.html</code> ) for information on how this classifier works. 
+        </dd>
+      </dl>
     <column name="queues">

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