[ovs-dev] [PATCH v3] checkpatch.py: A simple script for finding patch issues

Aaron Conole aconole at redhat.com
Thu Mar 24 21:45:40 UTC 2016

Most projects have a checkpatch facility, which can be used as a pre-commit
sanity check. This introduces such a mechanism to the Open vSwitch project
to catch some of the more silly formatting mistakes which can occur. It is
not meant to replace good code review practices, but it can help eliminate
the silly code review issues which get added.

Suggested-by: Mauricio Vásquez <mauricio.vasquezbernal at studenti.polito.it>
Signed-off-by: Aaron Conole <aconole at redhat.com>
 - Moved to the utilities directory
 - Fixed up according to flake8
 - Added an ignore for leading tabs with .mk file modifications
 - hooked up the return values

 - Added to EXTRA_DIST
 - Made it executable
 - Support `git show | ./utilities/checkpatch.py`
 - Added help text
 - Added the ability to turn off most of the tests (except line-length)
 - Amended CONTRIBUTING.md to also note to use linux checkpatch.pl for

 CONTRIBUTING.md         |   6 ++
 utilities/automake.mk   |   6 +-
 utilities/checkpatch.py | 217 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 227 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
 create mode 100755 utilities/checkpatch.py

index 439c56a..dec9e3e 100644
@@ -347,6 +347,12 @@ Please follow the style used in the code that you are modifying.  The
 [CodingStyle.md] file describes the coding style used in most of Open
 vSwitch. Use Linux kernel coding style for Linux kernel code.
+If your code is non-datapath code, you may use the
+`utilities/checkpatch.py` utility as a quick check for certain commonly
+occuring mistakes (improper leading/trailing whitespace, missing signoffs,
+some improper formatted patch files).  For linux datapath code, it is
+a good idea to use the linux script `checkpatch.pl`.
diff --git a/utilities/automake.mk b/utilities/automake.mk
index 674d326..155de0e 100644
--- a/utilities/automake.mk
+++ b/utilities/automake.mk
@@ -56,7 +56,8 @@ EXTRA_DIST += \
 	utilities/ovs-test.in \
 	utilities/ovs-vlan-test.in \
 	utilities/ovs-vsctl-bashcomp.bash \
-	utilities/qemu-wrap.py
+	utilities/qemu-wrap.py \
+	utilities/checkpatch.py
 	utilities/ovs-appctl.8.in \
 	utilities/ovs-testcontroller.8.in \
@@ -146,6 +147,7 @@ utilities_nlmon_SOURCES = utilities/nlmon.c
 utilities_nlmon_LDADD = lib/libopenvswitch.la
-FLAKE8_PYFILES += utilities/ovs-pcap.in
+FLAKE8_PYFILES += utilities/ovs-pcap.in \
+	utilities/checkpatch.py
 include utilities/bugtool/automake.mk
diff --git a/utilities/checkpatch.py b/utilities/checkpatch.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..20863ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utilities/checkpatch.py
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright (c) 2016 Red Hat, Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from __future__ import print_function
+import email
+import getopt
+import re
+import sys
+__errors = 0
+__warnings = 0
+def print_error(message, lineno=None):
+    global __errors
+    if lineno is not None:
+        print("E(%d): %s" % (lineno, message))
+    else:
+        print("E: %s" % (message))
+    __errors = __errors + 1
+def print_warning(message, lineno=None):
+    global __warnings
+    if lineno:
+        print("W(%d): %s" % (lineno, message))
+    else:
+        print("W: %s" % (message))
+    __warnings = __warnings + 1
+__regex_added_line = re.compile(r'^\+{1,2}[^\+][\w\W]*')
+__regex_leading_with_whitespace_at_all = re.compile(r'^\s+')
+__regex_leading_with_spaces = re.compile(r'^ +[\S]+')
+__regex_trailing_whitespace = re.compile(r'[^\S]+$')
+__regex_for_if_missing_whitespace = re.compile(r'(if|for|while)[\(]')
+__regex_for_if_too_much_whitespace = re.compile(r'(if|for|while)  +[\(]')
+__regex_for_if_parens_whitespace = re.compile(r'(if|for|while) \( +[\s\S]+\)')
+skip_leading_whitespace_check = False
+skip_trailing_whitespace_check = False
+skip_block_whitespace_check = False
+skip_signoff_check = False
+def is_added_line(line):
+    """Returns TRUE if the line in question is an added line.
+    """
+    return __regex_added_line.search(line) is not None
+def leading_whitespace_is_spaces(line):
+    """Returns TRUE if the leading whitespace in added lines is spaces
+    """
+    if skip_leading_whitespace_check:
+        return True
+    if __regex_leading_with_whitespace_at_all.search(line) is not None:
+        return __regex_leading_with_spaces.search(line) is not None
+    return True
+def trailing_whitespace_or_crlf(line):
+    """Returns TRUE if the trailing characters is whitespace
+    """
+    if skip_trailing_whitespace_check:
+        return False
+    return __regex_trailing_whitespace.search(line) is not None
+def if_and_for_whitespace_checks(line):
+    """Return TRUE if there is appropriate whitespace after if, for, while
+    """
+    if skip_block_whitespace_check:
+        return True
+    if (__regex_for_if_missing_whitespace.search(line) is not None or
+            __regex_for_if_too_much_whitespace.search(line) is not None or
+            __regex_for_if_parens_whitespace.search(line)):
+        return False
+    return True
+def ovs_checkpatch_parse(text):
+    lineno = 0
+    signatures = 0
+    extra_people = 0
+    parse = 0
+    current_file = ''
+    scissors = re.compile(r'^[\w]*---[\w]*')
+    hunks = re.compile('^(---|\+\+\+) (\S+)')
+    is_signature = re.compile(r'Signed-off-by: .*$', re.I | re.M | re.S)
+    is_extra_people = re.compile(
+        r'^(Suggested|Tested|Reviewed|Acked|Nacked|Reported)-by: .*$',
+        re.M | re.I)
+    for line in text.split('\n'):
+        lineno = lineno + 1
+        if len(line) <= 0:
+            continue
+        if parse == 1:
+            match = hunks.match(line)
+            if match:
+                parse = parse + 1
+                current_file = match.group(2)
+            continue
+        elif parse == 0:
+            if scissors.match(line):
+                parse = parse + 1
+                if signatures == 0 and not skip_signoff_check:
+                    print_error("No signatures found.")
+            elif is_signature.match(line):
+                signatures = signatures + 1
+            elif is_extra_people.match(line):
+                extra_people = extra_people + 1
+        elif parse == 2:
+            print_line = False
+            newfile = hunks.match(line)
+            if newfile:
+                current_file = newfile.group(2)
+                continue
+            if not is_added_line(line):
+                continue
+            if (not current_file.endswith('.mk') and
+                    not leading_whitespace_is_spaces(line[1:])):
+                print_line = True
+                print_warning("Line has non-spaces leading whitespace",
+                              lineno)
+            if trailing_whitespace_or_crlf(line[1:]):
+                print_line = True
+                print_warning("Line has trailing whitespace", lineno)
+            if len(line[1:]) > 80:
+                print_line = True
+                print_warning("Line is greater than 80-characters long",
+                              lineno)
+            if not if_and_for_whitespace_checks(line[1:]):
+                print_line = True
+                print_warning("Improper whitespace around control block",
+                              lineno)
+            if print_line:
+                print(line)
+    if __errors or __warnings:
+        return -1
+    return 0
+def ovs_checkpatch_file(filename):
+    try:
+        mail = email.message_from_file(open(filename, 'r'))
+    except:
+        print_error("Unable to parse file '%s'. Is it a patch?" % filename)
+        return -1
+    for part in mail.walk():
+        if part.get_content_maintype() == 'multipart':
+            continue
+        return ovs_checkpatch_parse(part.get_payload(decode=True))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    try:
+        optlist, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'bhlst',
+                                      ["help",
+                                       "skip-block-whitespace",
+                                       "skip-leading-whitespace",
+                                       "skip-signoff-lines",
+                                       "skip-trailing-whitespace"])
+    except:
+        print("Unknown option encountered. Please rerun with -h for help.")
+        sys.exit(-1)
+    for o, a in optlist:
+        if o in ("-h", "--help"):
+            print("Open vSwitch checkpatch.py")
+            print("Checks a patch for trivial mistakes.")
+            print("usage:")
+            print("%s [options] [patch file]" % sys.argv[0])
+            print("options:")
+            print("-h|--help\t\t\t\tThis help message")
+            print("-b|--skip-block-whitespace\t"
+                  "Skips the if/while/for whitespace tests")
+            print("-l|--skip-leading-whitespace\t"
+                  "Skips the leading whitespace test")
+            print("-s|--skip-signoff-lines\t"
+                  "Do not emit an error if no Signed-off-by line is present")
+            print("-t|--skip-trailing-whitespace\t"
+                  "Skips the trailing whitespace test")
+            sys.exit(0)
+        elif o in ("-b", "--skip-block-whitespace"):
+            skip_block_whitespace_check = True
+        elif o in ("-l", "--skip-leading-whitespace"):
+            skip_leading_whitespace_check = True
+        elif o in ("-s", "--skip-signoff-lines"):
+            skip_signoff_check = True
+        elif o in ("-t", "--skip-trailing-whitespace"):
+            skip_trailing_whitespace_check = True
+        else:
+            print("Unknown option '%s'" % o)
+            sys.exit(-1)
+    try:
+        filename = args[0]
+    except:
+        sys.exit(ovs_checkpatch_parse(sys.stdin.read()))
+    sys.exit(ovs_checkpatch_file(filename))

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