[ovs-dev] [PATCH 1/1] utilities: Add some GDB macros for ovs-vswitchd

Eelco Chaudron echaudro at redhat.com
Wed May 9 11:47:26 UTC 2018

This commit adds basic GDB macro's for ovs-vswitchd:
  - ovs_dump_bridge [ports|wanted]
  - ovs_dump_bridge_ports <struct bridge *>
  - ovs_dump_dp_netdev [ports]
  - ovs_dump_dp_netdev_ports <struct dp_netdev *>
  - ovs_dump_netdev

These dump functions show limited info, but you can simply cut/paste
the address and get the full structure info. For example:

(gdb) ovs_dump_netdev
(struct netdev *) 0x555771ed89e0: name = ovs-netdev     , auto_classified = false, netdev_class = 0x5557714413c0 <netdev_tap_class>
(struct netdev *) 0x555771fc62a0: name = ovs_pvp_br0    , auto_classified = false, netdev_class = 0x5557714413c0 <netdev_tap_class>
(struct netdev *) 0x555771fc9660: name = vnet0          , auto_classified = true , netdev_class = 0x555771445e00 <netdev_linux_class>
(struct netdev *) 0x555771fc78d0: name = virbr0         , auto_classified = true , netdev_class = 0x555771445e00 <netdev_linux_class>
(struct netdev *) 0x7fbefffb5540: name = dpdk0          , auto_classified = false, netdev_class = 0x5557714419e0 <dpdk_class>
(struct netdev *) 0x555771fc98b0: name = em3            , auto_classified = true , netdev_class = 0x555771445e00 <netdev_linux_class>
(struct netdev *) 0x7fbea0a31c40: name = vhost0         , auto_classified = false, netdev_class = 0x555771442040 <dpdk_vhost_client_class>

(gdb) p *((struct netdev *) 0x7fbefffb5540)
$1 = {name = 0x555771ecef70 "dpdk0", netdev_class = 0x5557714419e0 <dpdk_class>, auto_classified = false, mtu_user_config = true, ref_cnt = 2, change_seq = 12,
  reconfigure_seq = 0x555771ecf2e0, last_reconfigure_seq = 110, n_txq = 2, n_rxq = 1, node = 0x555771efafe0, saved_flags_list = {prev = 0x7fbefffb5580, next = 0x7fbefffb5580}}

Signed-off-by: Eelco Chaudron <echaudro at redhat.com>
 Documentation/tutorials/ovs-advanced.rst |   4 +
 utilities/gdb/ovs_gdb.py                 | 405 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 409 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 utilities/gdb/ovs_gdb.py

diff --git a/Documentation/tutorials/ovs-advanced.rst b/Documentation/tutorials/ovs-advanced.rst
index 676137f3c..992182d0e 100644
--- a/Documentation/tutorials/ovs-advanced.rst
+++ b/Documentation/tutorials/ovs-advanced.rst
@@ -145,6 +145,10 @@ can be passed via the ``SANDBOXFLAGS`` environment variable.  ``make sandbox
 SANDBOXFLAGS=-g`` will start the sandbox with ovs-vswitchd running under GDB in
 its own xterm if X is available.
+In addition, a set of GDB macros are available in ``utilities/gdb/ovs_gdb.py``.
+Which are able to dump various internal data structures. See the header of the
+file itself for some more details and an example.
diff --git a/utilities/gdb/ovs_gdb.py b/utilities/gdb/ovs_gdb.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a604ccb54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utilities/gdb/ovs_gdb.py
@@ -0,0 +1,405 @@
+#  Copyright (c) 2018 Eelco Chaudron
+#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+#  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+#  as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
+#  2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+#  Files name:
+#    ovs_gdb.py
+#  Description:
+#    GDB commands and functions for Open vSwitch debugging
+#  Author:
+#    Eelco Chaudron
+#  Initial Created:
+#    23 April 2018
+#  Notes:
+#    It implements the following GDB commands:
+#    - ovs_dump_bridge [ports|wanted]
+#    - ovs_dump_bridge_ports <struct bridge *>
+#    - ovs_dump_dp_netdev [ports]
+#    - ovs_dump_dp_netdev_ports <struct dp_netdev *>
+#    - ovs_dump_netdev
+#  Example:
+#    $ gdb $(which ovs-vswitchd) $(pidof ovs-vswitchd)
+#    (gdb) source ./utilities/gdb/ovs_gdb.py
+#    (gdb) ovs_dump_<TAB>
+#    ovs_dump_bridge           ovs_dump_bridge_ports     ovs_dump_dp_netdev
+#    ovs_dump_dp_netdev_ports  ovs_dump_netdev
+#    (gdb) ovs_dump_bridge
+#    (struct bridge *) 0x5615471ed2e0: name = br2, type = system
+#    (struct bridge *) 0x561547166350: name = br0, type = system
+#    (struct bridge *) 0x561547216de0: name = ovs_pvp_br0, type = netdev
+#    (struct bridge *) 0x5615471d0420: name = br1, type = system
+#    (gdb) p *(struct bridge *) 0x5615471d0420
+#    $1 = {node = {hash = 24776443, next = 0x0}, name = 0x5615471cca90 "br1",
+#    type = 0x561547163bb0 "system",
+#    ...
+#    ...
+import gdb
+# The container_of code below is a copied from the Linux kernel project file,
+# scripts/gdb/linux/utils.py. It has the following copyright header:
+# # gdb helper commands and functions for Linux kernel debugging
+# #
+# #  common utilities
+# #
+# # Copyright (c) Siemens AG, 2011-2013
+# #
+# # Authors:
+# #  Jan Kiszka <jan.kiszka at siemens.com>
+# #
+# # This work is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL version 2.
+class CachedType:
+    def __init__(self, name):
+        self._type = None
+        self._name = name
+    def _new_objfile_handler(self, event):
+        self._type = None
+        gdb.events.new_objfile.disconnect(self._new_objfile_handler)
+    def get_type(self):
+        if self._type is None:
+            self._type = gdb.lookup_type(self._name)
+            if self._type is None:
+                raise gdb.GdbError(
+                    "cannot resolve type '{0}'".format(self._name))
+            if hasattr(gdb, 'events') and hasattr(gdb.events, 'new_objfile'):
+                gdb.events.new_objfile.connect(self._new_objfile_handler)
+        return self._type
+long_type = CachedType("long")
+def get_long_type():
+    global long_type
+    return long_type.get_type()
+def offset_of(typeobj, field):
+    element = gdb.Value(0).cast(typeobj)
+    return int(str(element[field].address).split()[0], 16)
+def container_of(ptr, typeobj, member):
+    return (ptr.cast(get_long_type()) -
+            offset_of(typeobj, member)).cast(typeobj)
+# Class that will provide an iterator over an OVS hmap.
+class ForEachHMAP(object):
+    def __init__(self, hmap, typeobj=None, member='node'):
+        self.hmap = hmap
+        self.node = None
+        self.first = True
+        self.typeobj = typeobj
+        self.member = member
+    def __iter__(self):
+        return self
+    def __next(self, start):
+        for i in range(start, (self.hmap['mask'] + 1)):
+            self.node = self.hmap['buckets'][i]
+            if self.node != 0:
+                return
+        raise StopIteration
+    def next(self):
+        #
+        # In the real implementation the n values is never checked,
+        # however when debugging we do, as we might try to access
+        # a hmap that has been cleared/hmap_destroy().
+        #
+        if self.hmap['n'] <= 0:
+            raise StopIteration
+        if self.first:
+            self.first = False
+            self.__next(0)
+        elif self.node['next'] != 0:
+            self.node = self.node['next']
+        else:
+            self.__next((self.node['hash'] & self.hmap['mask']) + 1)
+        if self.typeobj is None:
+            return self.node
+        return container_of(self.node,
+                            gdb.lookup_type(self.typeobj).pointer(),
+                            self.member)
+# Class that will provide an iterator over an OVS shash.
+class ForEachSHASH(ForEachHMAP):
+    def __init__(self, shash, typeobj=None):
+        self.data_typeobj = typeobj
+        super(ForEachSHASH, self).__init__(shash['map'],
+                                           "struct shash_node", "node")
+    def next(self):
+        node = super(ForEachSHASH, self).next()
+        if self.data_typeobj is None:
+            return node
+        return node['data'].cast(gdb.lookup_type(self.data_typeobj).pointer())
+# Class that will provide an iterator over an OVS list.
+class ForEachLIST():
+    def __init__(self, list, typeobj=None, member='node'):
+        self.list = list
+        self.node = list
+        self.typeobj = typeobj
+        self.member = member
+    def __iter__(self):
+        return self
+    def next(self):
+        if self.list.address == self.node['next']:
+            raise StopIteration
+        self.node = self.node['next']
+        if self.typeobj is None:
+            return self.node
+        return container_of(self.node,
+                            gdb.lookup_type(self.typeobj).pointer(),
+                            self.member)
+# Implements the GDB "ovs_dump_bridges" command
+class CmdDumpBridge(gdb.Command):
+    """Dump all configured bridges.
+    Usage: ovs_dump_bridge [ports|wanted]
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        super(CmdDumpBridge, self).__init__("ovs_dump_bridge",
+                                            gdb.COMMAND_DATA)
+    def invoke(self, arg, from_tty):
+        ports = False
+        wanted = False
+        arg_list = gdb.string_to_argv(arg)
+        if len(arg_list) > 1 or \
+           (len(arg_list) == 1 and arg_list[0] != "ports" and
+           arg_list[0] != "wanted"):
+            print("usage: ovs_dump_bridge [ports|wanted]")
+            return
+        elif len(arg_list) == 1:
+            if arg_list[0] == "ports":
+                ports = True
+            else:
+                wanted = True
+        dp_netdevs = gdb.lookup_symbol('all_bridges')[0]
+        if dp_netdevs is None or not dp_netdevs.is_variable:
+            print("Can't find all_bridges global variable, are you sure "
+                  "your debugging OVS?")
+            return
+        all_bridges = gdb.parse_and_eval('all_bridges')
+        for node in ForEachHMAP(all_bridges,
+                                "struct bridge", "node"):
+            print("(struct bridge *) {}: name = {}, type = {}".
+                  format(node, node['name'].string(),
+                         node['type'].string()))
+            if ports:
+                for port in ForEachHMAP(node['ports'],
+                                        "struct port", "hmap_node"):
+                    CmdDumpBridgePorts.display_single_port(port, 4)
+            if wanted:
+                for port in ForEachSHASH(node['wanted_ports'],
+                                         typeobj="struct ovsrec_port"):
+                    print("    (struct ovsrec_port *) {}: name = {}".
+                          format(port, port['name'].string()))
+                    # print port.dereference()
+# Implements the GDB "ovs_dump_bridge_ports" command
+class CmdDumpBridgePorts(gdb.Command):
+    """Dump all ports added to a specific struct bridge*.
+    Usage: ovs_dump_bridge_ports <struct bridge *>
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        super(CmdDumpBridgePorts, self).__init__("ovs_dump_bridge_ports",
+                                                 gdb.COMMAND_DATA)
+    @staticmethod
+    def display_single_port(port, indent=0):
+        indent = " " * indent
+        port = port.cast(gdb.lookup_type('struct port').pointer())
+        print("{}(struct port *) {}: name = {}, brige = (struct bridge *) {}".
+              format(indent, port, port['name'].string(),
+                     port['bridge']))
+        indent += " " * 4
+        for iface in ForEachLIST(port['ifaces'], "struct iface", "port_elem"):
+            print("{}(struct iface *) {}: name = {}, ofp_port = {}, "
+                  "netdev = (struct netdev *) {}".
+                  format(indent, iface, iface['name'],
+                         iface['ofp_port'], iface['netdev']))
+    def invoke(self, arg, from_tty):
+        arg_list = gdb.string_to_argv(arg)
+        if len(arg_list) != 1:
+            print("usage: ovs_dump_bridge_ports <struct bridge *>")
+            return
+        bridge = gdb.parse_and_eval(arg_list[0]).cast(
+            gdb.lookup_type('struct bridge').pointer())
+        for node in ForEachHMAP(bridge['ports'],
+                                "struct port", "hmap_node"):
+            self.display_single_port(node)
+# Implements the GDB "ovs_dump_dp_netdev" command
+class CmdDumpDpNetdev(gdb.Command):
+    """Dump all registered dp_netdev structures.
+    Usage: ovs_dump_dp_netdev [ports]
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        super(CmdDumpDpNetdev, self).__init__("ovs_dump_dp_netdev",
+                                              gdb.COMMAND_DATA)
+    def invoke(self, arg, from_tty):
+        ports = False
+        arg_list = gdb.string_to_argv(arg)
+        if len(arg_list) > 1 or \
+           (len(arg_list) == 1 and arg_list[0] != "ports"):
+            print("usage: ovs_dump_dp_netdev [ports]")
+            return
+        elif len(arg_list) == 1:
+            ports = True
+        dp_netdevs = gdb.lookup_symbol('dp_netdevs')[0]
+        if dp_netdevs is None or not dp_netdevs.is_variable:
+            print("Can't find dp_netdevs global variable, are you sure "
+                  "your debugging OVS?")
+            return
+        dp_netdevs = gdb.parse_and_eval('dp_netdevs')
+        for node in ForEachSHASH(dp_netdevs):
+            dp = node['data'].cast(
+                gdb.lookup_type('struct dp_netdev').pointer())
+            print("(struct dp_netdev *) {}: name = {}, class = "
+                  "(struct dpif_class *) {}".
+                  format(dp, dp['name'], dp['class']))
+            if ports:
+                for node in ForEachHMAP(dp['ports'],
+                                        "struct dp_netdev_port", "node"):
+                    CmdDumpDpNetdevPorts.display_single_port(node, 4)
+# Implements the GDB "ovs_dump_dp_netdev_ports" command
+class CmdDumpDpNetdevPorts(gdb.Command):
+    """Dump all ports added to a specific struct dp_netdev*.
+    Usage: ovs_dump_dp_netdev_ports <struct dp_netdev *>
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        super(CmdDumpDpNetdevPorts, self).__init__("ovs_dump_dp_netdev_ports",
+                                                   gdb.COMMAND_DATA)
+    @staticmethod
+    def display_single_port(port, indent=0):
+        indent = " " * indent
+        print("{}(struct dp_netdev_port *) {}:".format(indent, port))
+        print("{}    port_no = {}, n_rxq = {}, type = {}".
+              format(indent, port['port_no'], port['n_rxq'],
+                     port['type'].string()))
+        print("{}    netdev = (struct netdev *) {}: name = {}, "
+              "n_txq/rxq = {}/{}".
+              format(indent, port['netdev'],
+                     port['netdev']['name'].string(),
+                     port['netdev']['n_txq'],
+                     port['netdev']['n_rxq']))
+    def invoke(self, arg, from_tty):
+        arg_list = gdb.string_to_argv(arg)
+        if len(arg_list) != 1:
+            print("usage: ovs_dump_dp_netdev_ports <struct dp_netdev *>")
+            return
+        dp_netdev = gdb.parse_and_eval(arg_list[0]).cast(
+            gdb.lookup_type('struct dp_netdev').pointer())
+        for node in ForEachHMAP(dp_netdev['ports'],
+                                "struct dp_netdev_port", "node"):
+            # print node.dereference()
+            self.display_single_port(node)
+# Implements the GDB "ovs_dump_netdev" command
+class CmdDumpNetdev(gdb.Command):
+    """Dump all registered netdev structures.
+    Usage: ovs_dump_netdev
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        super(CmdDumpNetdev, self).__init__("ovs_dump_netdev",
+                                            gdb.COMMAND_DATA)
+    @staticmethod
+    def display_single_netdev(netdev, indent=0):
+        indent = " " * indent
+        print("{}(struct netdev *) {}: name = {:15}, auto_classified = {:5}, "
+              "netdev_class = {}".
+              format(indent, netdev, netdev['name'].string(),
+                     netdev['auto_classified'], netdev['netdev_class']))
+    def invoke(self, arg, from_tty):
+        netdev_shash = gdb.lookup_symbol('netdev_shash')[0]
+        if netdev_shash is None or not netdev_shash.is_variable:
+            print("Can't find netdev_shash global variable, are you sure "
+                  "your debugging OVS?")
+            return
+        netdev_shash = gdb.parse_and_eval('netdev_shash')
+        for netdev in ForEachSHASH(netdev_shash, "struct netdev"):
+            self.display_single_netdev(netdev)
+# Initialize all GDB commands

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