[ovs-dev] Troubles with bonding commands

Sara Escribano sara.escribano.sastre at gmail.com
Mon Nov 19 08:44:35 UTC 2018

Hi everyone, I'm having several troubles with *bonding* functionalities.
I'm beginning in this world and I made a topology like this one on my
virtual machine:

                                                   |ns1 |
                         +---+                      +---+
 +----+vpeerns4     vns4 |   |vpeerns3          vns3|   |vns2
 |ns4 |------------------|br1|----------------------|br0|-------------------|ns2
 +----+                  |   |                      |   |
                         +---+                      +---+
                           |vpeerns5   -              |vns6
                           |                          |
                           |                          |
                           |                          |
                           |                          |
                           |                          |
                           |vns5                      |
 |    | namespaces [nsX]
                         +---+                        |
 +----+vpeerns7     vns7 |   |                        |
 |ns7 |------------------|br2|------------------------|
 |   |
 +----+                  |   |vpeerns6
 |   |  bridges [brX]
 |   |


(I hope the topology can be understood)

When everything is connected directly to br0, br1 or br2, all devices
are working perfectly, connectivity exists between them and I can make
*ping* between all namespaces.
The problem comes when I want to use *bonding* for vpeerns3 and
vpeerns5 interfaces (forgive the names).

I used these commands to make it (everything worked before this):

*ovs-vsctl add-bond br1 bond1 vpeerns3 vpeerns5 *
*ovs-vsctl set port bond1 bond_mode=balance-tcp*

And now, nothing crosses to ns4 and from ns4. The rest of the pings
are working perfectly (because I set before ARP cache tables) but that
one is not working. The funny thing is when I capture traffic in
vpeerns3/vpeerns5 (I send a ping from ns1 to ns4, for example), there
are echo request messages there, but nothing if I capture on br1, or
ns4, it's like air is between vpeerns3/vpeerns5 and br1.

What could be wrong here??

Thanks in advance

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