[ovs-dev] [PATCH 5/7] ovsdb raft: Test cases for cluster failures when there are pending transactions.

Han Zhou zhouhan at gmail.com
Wed Apr 10 01:21:20 UTC 2019

From: Han Zhou <hzhou8 at ebay.com>

Implement test cases for the failure scenarios when there are pending
transactions from clients. This patch implements test cases for different
combinations of conditions with the help of previously added test
commands and options for cluster mode. The conditions include:

- Connected node from which client transaction is executed: leader, follower
- Crashed node: leader, follower that is connected, or the other follower
- Crash point:
    - For leader:
        - before/after receiving execute_command_request
        - before/after sending append_request
        - before/after sending execute_command_reply
    - For follower:
        - before/after sending execute_command_request
        - after receiving append_request

There are 16 test cases in total, and 9 of them are skipped purposely
because of the bugs found by the test cases to avoid CI failure. They will
be enabled in coming patches when the corresponding bugs are fixed.

Signed-off-by: Han Zhou <hzhou8 at ebay.com>
 tests/ovsdb-cluster.at | 173 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 173 insertions(+)

diff --git a/tests/ovsdb-cluster.at b/tests/ovsdb-cluster.at
index 5550a19..4e88766 100644
--- a/tests/ovsdb-cluster.at
+++ b/tests/ovsdb-cluster.at
@@ -62,6 +62,179 @@ m4_define([OVSDB_CHECK_EXECUTION],
+# ovsdb_cluster_failure_test SCHEMA_FUNC OUTPUT TRANSACTION...
+ovsdb_cluster_failure_test () {
+    # Initial state: s1 is leader, s2 and s3 are followers
+    remote_1=$1
+    remote_2=$2
+    crash_node=$3
+    crash_command=$4
+    if test "$crash_node" == "1"; then
+        new_leader=$5
+    fi
+    cp $top_srcdir/ovn/ovn-nb.ovsschema schema
+    schema=`ovsdb-tool schema-name schema`
+    AT_CHECK([ovsdb-tool '-vPATTERN:console:%c|%p|%m' create-cluster s1.db schema unix:s1.raft], [0], [], [dnl
+ovsdb|WARN|schema: changed 2 columns in 'OVN_Northbound' database from ephemeral to persistent, including 'status' column in 'Connection' table, because clusters do not support ephemeral columns
+    n=3
+    join_cluster() {
+        local i=$1
+        others=
+        for j in `seq 1 $n`; do
+            if test $i != $j; then
+                others="$others unix:s$j.raft"
+            fi
+        done
+        AT_CHECK([ovsdb-tool join-cluster s$i.db $schema unix:s$i.raft $others])
+    }
+    start_server() {
+        local i=$1
+        printf "\ns$i: starting\n"
+        AT_CHECK([ovsdb-server -vjsonrpc -vconsole:off -vsyslog:off --detach --no-chdir --log-file=s$i.log --pidfile=s$i.pid --unixctl=s$i --remote=punix:s$i.ovsdb s$i.db])
+    }
+    connect_server() {
+        local i=$1
+        printf "\ns$i: waiting to connect to storage\n"
+        AT_CHECK([ovsdb_client_wait --log-file=connect$i.log unix:s$i.ovsdb $schema connected])
+    }
+    cid=`ovsdb-tool db-cid s1.db`
+    for i in `seq 2 $n`; do join_cluster $i; done
+    on_exit 'kill `cat *.pid`'
+    for i in `seq $n`; do start_server $i; done
+    for i in `seq $n`; do connect_server $i; done
+    export OVN_NB_DB=unix:s$remote_1.ovsdb,unix:s$remote_2.ovsdb
+    # To ensure $new_leader node the new leader, we delay election timer for
+    # the other follower.
+    if test -n "$new_leader"; then
+        if test "$new_leader" == "2"; then
+            delay_election_node=3
+        else
+            delay_election_node=2
+        fi
+        AT_CHECK([ovs-appctl -t "`pwd`"/s$delay_election_node cluster/failure-test delay-election], [0], [ignore])
+    fi
+    AT_CHECK([ovs-appctl -t "`pwd`"/s$crash_node cluster/failure-test $crash_command], [0], [ignore])
+    AT_CHECK([ovn-nbctl -v --timeout=10 --no-leader-only --no-shuffle-remotes create logical_switch name=ls1], [0], [ignore], [ignore])
+    # Make sure that the node really crashed.
+    AT_CHECK([ls s$crash_node.ovsdb], [2], [ignore], [ignore])
+    # XXX: Client will fail if remotes contains unix socket that doesn't exist (killed).
+    if test "$remote_1" == "$crash_node"; then
+        export OVN_NB_DB=unix:s$remote_2.ovsdb
+    fi
+    AT_CHECK([ovn-nbctl --no-leader-only ls-list | awk '{ print $2 }'], [0], [(ls1)
+AT_BANNER([OVSDB - cluster failure with pending transaction])
+AT_SETUP([OVSDB cluster - txn on follower-2, leader crash before sending appendReq, follower-2 becomes leader])
+AT_KEYWORDS([ovsdb server negative unix cluster pending-txn])
+# XXX: fix bug before enabling this test
+AT_CHECK([exit 77])
+ovsdb_cluster_failure_test 2 3 1 crash-before-sending-append-request 2
+AT_SETUP([OVSDB cluster - txn on follower-2, leader crash before sending appendReq, follower-3 becomes leader])
+AT_KEYWORDS([ovsdb server negative unix cluster pending-txn])
+ovsdb_cluster_failure_test 2 3 1 crash-before-sending-append-request 3
+AT_SETUP([OVSDB cluster - txn on follower-2, leader crash before sending execRep, follower-2 becomes leader])
+AT_KEYWORDS([ovsdb server negative unix cluster pending-txn])
+# XXX: fix bug before enabling this test
+AT_CHECK([exit 77])
+ovsdb_cluster_failure_test 2 3 1 crash-before-sending-execute-command-reply 2
+AT_SETUP([OVSDB cluster - txn on follower-2, leader crash before sending execRep, follower-3 becomes leader])
+AT_KEYWORDS([ovsdb server negative unix cluster pending-txn])
+# XXX: fix bug before enabling this test
+AT_CHECK([exit 77])
+ovsdb_cluster_failure_test 2 3 1 crash-before-sending-execute-command-reply 3
+AT_SETUP([OVSDB cluster - txn on follower-2, leader crash after sending execRep, follower-2 becomes leader])
+AT_KEYWORDS([ovsdb server negative unix cluster pending-txn])
+# XXX: fix bug before enabling this test
+AT_CHECK([exit 77])
+ovsdb_cluster_failure_test 2 3 1 crash-after-sending-execute-command-reply 2
+AT_SETUP([OVSDB cluster - txn on follower-2, leader crash after sending execRep, follower-3 becomes leader])
+AT_KEYWORDS([ovsdb server negative unix cluster pending-txn])
+ovsdb_cluster_failure_test 2 3 1 crash-after-sending-execute-command-reply 3
+AT_SETUP([OVSDB cluster - txn on leader, leader crash before sending appendReq, follower-2 becomes leader])
+AT_KEYWORDS([ovsdb server negative unix cluster pending-txn])
+# XXX: fix bug before enabling this test
+AT_CHECK([exit 77])
+ovsdb_cluster_failure_test 1 2 1 crash-before-sending-append-request 2
+AT_SETUP([OVSDB cluster - txn on leader, leader crash before sending appendReq, follower-3 becomes leader])
+AT_KEYWORDS([ovsdb server negative unix cluster pending-txn])
+ovsdb_cluster_failure_test 1 2 1 crash-before-sending-append-request 3
+AT_SETUP([OVSDB cluster - txn on leader, leader crash after sending appendReq, follower-2 becomes leader])
+AT_KEYWORDS([ovsdb server negative unix cluster pending-txn])
+# XXX: Detect and skip repeated transaction before enabling this test
+AT_CHECK([exit 77])
+ovsdb_cluster_failure_test 1 2 1 crash-after-sending-append-request 2
+AT_SETUP([OVSDB cluster - txn on leader, leader crash after sending appendReq, follower-3 becomes leader])
+AT_KEYWORDS([ovsdb server negative unix cluster pending-txn])
+# XXX: Detect and skip repeated transaction before enabling this test
+AT_CHECK([exit 77])
+ovsdb_cluster_failure_test 1 2 1 crash-after-sending-append-request 3
+AT_SETUP([OVSDB cluster - txn on follower-2, follower-2 crash before sending execReq, reconnect to follower-3])
+AT_KEYWORDS([ovsdb server negative unix cluster pending-txn])
+ovsdb_cluster_failure_test 2 3 2 crash-before-sending-execute-command-request
+AT_SETUP([OVSDB cluster - txn on follower-2, follower-2 crash before sending execReq, reconnect to leader])
+AT_KEYWORDS([ovsdb server negative unix cluster pending-txn])
+ovsdb_cluster_failure_test 2 1 2 crash-before-sending-execute-command-request
+AT_SETUP([OVSDB cluster - txn on follower-2, follower-2 crash after sending execReq, reconnect to follower-3])
+AT_KEYWORDS([ovsdb server negative unix cluster pending-txn])
+# XXX: Detect and skip repeated transaction before enabling this test
+AT_CHECK([exit 77])
+ovsdb_cluster_failure_test 2 3 2 crash-after-sending-execute-command-request
+AT_SETUP([OVSDB cluster - txn on follower-2, follower-2 crash after sending execReq, reconnect to leader])
+AT_KEYWORDS([ovsdb server negative unix cluster pending-txn])
+# XXX: Detect and skip repeated transaction before enabling this test
+AT_CHECK([exit 77])
+ovsdb_cluster_failure_test 2 1 2 crash-after-sending-execute-command-request
+AT_SETUP([OVSDB cluster - txn on leader, follower-2 crash after receiving appendReq for the update])
+AT_KEYWORDS([ovsdb server negative unix cluster pending-txn])
+ovsdb_cluster_failure_test 1 1 2 crash-after-receiving-append-request-update
+AT_SETUP([OVSDB cluster - txn on follower-2, follower-3 crash after receiving appendReq for the update])
+AT_KEYWORDS([ovsdb server negative unix cluster pending-txn])
+ovsdb_cluster_failure_test 2 2 3 crash-after-receiving-append-request-update
 AT_BANNER([OVSDB - cluster tests])
 # Torture test.

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