[ovs-dev] [PATCH v1 07/18] python: introduce OpenFlow Flow parsing

Adrian Moreno amorenoz at redhat.com
Mon Nov 22 11:22:45 UTC 2021

Introduce OFPFlow class and all its decoders.

Most of the decoders are generic (from decoders.py). Some have special
syntax and need a specific implementation.

Decoders for nat are moved to the common decoders.py because it's syntax
is shared with other types of flows (e.g: dpif flows).

Signed-off-by: Adrian Moreno <amorenoz at redhat.com>
 python/automake.mk           |   4 +-
 python/ovs/flows/decoders.py |  93 ++++++++
 python/ovs/flows/ofp.py      | 400 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 python/ovs/flows/ofp_act.py  | 233 ++++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 729 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 python/ovs/flows/ofp.py
 create mode 100644 python/ovs/flows/ofp_act.py

diff --git a/python/automake.mk b/python/automake.mk
index 136da26bd..d1464d7f6 100644
--- a/python/automake.mk
+++ b/python/automake.mk
@@ -46,7 +46,9 @@ ovs_pyfiles = \
 	python/ovs/flows/decoders.py \
 	python/ovs/flows/kv.py \
 	python/ovs/flows/list.py \
-	python/ovs/flows/flow.py
+	python/ovs/flows/flow.py \
+	python/ovs/flows/ofp.py \
+	python/ovs/flows/ofp_act.py
 # These python files are used at build time but not runtime,
 # so they are not installed.
diff --git a/python/ovs/flows/decoders.py b/python/ovs/flows/decoders.py
index bf7a94ae8..3def9f279 100644
--- a/python/ovs/flows/decoders.py
+++ b/python/ovs/flows/decoders.py
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ object.
 import netaddr
+import re
 class Decoder:
@@ -358,3 +359,95 @@ class IPMask(Decoder):
     def to_json(self):
         return str(self)
+def decode_free_output(value):
+    """Decodes the output value when found free
+    (without the 'output' keyword)"""
+    try:
+        return "output", {"port": int(value)}
+    except ValueError:
+        return "output", {"port": value.strip('"')}
+ipv4 = r"[\d\.]+"
+ipv4_capture = r"({ipv4})".format(ipv4=ipv4)
+ipv6 = r"[\w:]+"
+ipv6_capture = r"(?:\[*)?({ipv6})(?:\]*)?".format(ipv6=ipv6)
+port_range = r":(\d+)(?:-(\d+))?"
+ip_range_regexp = r"{ip_cap}(?:-{ip_cap})?(?:{port_range})?"
+ipv4_port_regex = re.compile(
+    ip_range_regexp.format(ip_cap=ipv4_capture, port_range=port_range)
+ipv6_port_regex = re.compile(
+    ip_range_regexp.format(ip_cap=ipv6_capture, port_range=port_range)
+def decode_ip_port_range(value):
+    """
+    Decodes an IP and port range:
+        {ip_start}-{ip-end}:{port_start}-{port_end}
+    IPv6 addresses are surrounded by "[" and "]" if port ranges are also
+    present
+    Returns the following dictionary:
+        {
+            "addrs": {
+                "start": {ip_start}
+                "end": {ip_end}
+            }
+            "ports": {
+                "start": {port_start},
+                "end": {port_end}
+        }
+        (the "ports" key might be omitted)
+    """
+    if value.count(":") > 1:
+        match = ipv6_port_regex.match(value)
+    else:
+        match = ipv4_port_regex.match(value)
+    ip_start = match.group(1)
+    ip_end = match.group(2)
+    port_start = match.group(3)
+    port_end = match.group(4)
+    result = {
+        "addrs": {
+            "start": netaddr.IPAddress(ip_start),
+            "end": netaddr.IPAddress(ip_end or ip_start),
+        }
+    }
+    if port_start:
+        result["ports"] = {
+            "start": int(port_start),
+            "end": int(port_end or port_start),
+        }
+    return result
+def decode_nat(value):
+    """Decodes the 'nat' keyword of the ct action"""
+    if not value:
+        return True
+    result = dict()
+    type_parts = value.split("=")
+    result["type"] = type_parts[0]
+    if len(type_parts) > 1:
+        value_parts = type_parts[1].split(",")
+        if len(type_parts) != 2:
+            raise ValueError("Malformed nat action: %s" % value)
+        ip_port_range = decode_ip_port_range(value_parts[0])
+        result = {"type": type_parts[0], **ip_port_range}
+        for flag in value_parts[1:]:
+            result[flag] = True
+    return result
diff --git a/python/ovs/flows/ofp.py b/python/ovs/flows/ofp.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e56b08967
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/ovs/flows/ofp.py
@@ -0,0 +1,400 @@
+""" Defines the parsers needed to parse ofproto flows
+import functools
+from ovs.flows.kv import KVParser, KVDecoders, nested_kv_decoder
+from ovs.flows.ofp_fields import field_decoders
+from ovs.flows.flow import Flow, Section
+from ovs.flows.list import ListDecoders, nested_list_decoder
+from ovs.flows.decoders import (
+    decode_default,
+    decode_flag,
+    decode_int,
+    decode_time,
+    decode_mask,
+    IPMask,
+    EthMask,
+    decode_free_output,
+    decode_nat,
+from ovs.flows.ofp_act import (
+    decode_output,
+    decode_field,
+    decode_controller,
+    decode_bundle,
+    decode_bundle_load,
+    decode_encap_ethernet,
+    decode_load_field,
+    decode_set_field,
+    decode_move_field,
+    decode_dec_ttl,
+    decode_chk_pkt_larger,
+    decode_zone,
+    decode_exec,
+    decode_learn,
+class OFPFlow(Flow):
+    """OFPFLow represents an OpenFlow Flow"""
+    def __init__(self, sections, orig="", id=None):
+        """Constructor"""
+        super(OFPFlow, self).__init__(sections, orig, id)
+    def __str__(self):
+        if self._orig:
+            return self._orig
+        else:
+            return self.to_string()
+    def to_string(self):
+        """Print a text representation of the flow"""
+        string = "Info: {}\n" + self.info
+        string += "Match : {}\n" + self.match
+        string += "Actions: {}\n " + self.actions
+        return string
+class OFPFlowFactory:
+    """OpenFlow Flow Factory is a class capable of creating OFPFLow objects"""
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.info_decoders = self._info_decoders()
+        self.match_decoders = KVDecoders(
+            {**self._field_decoders(), **self._flow_match_decoders()}
+        )
+        self.act_decoders = self._act_decoders()
+    def from_string(self, ofp_string, id=None):
+        """Parse a ofproto flow string
+        The string is expected to have the follwoing format:
+            [flow data] [match] actions=[actions]
+        :param ofp_string: a ofproto string as dumped by ovs-ofctl tool
+        :type ofp_string: str
+        :return: an OFPFlow with the content of the flow string
+        :rtype: OFPFlow
+        """
+        if " reply " in ofp_string:
+            return None
+        sections = list()
+        parts = ofp_string.split("actions=")
+        if len(parts) != 2:
+            raise ValueError("malformed ofproto flow: %s" % ofp_string)
+        actions = parts[1]
+        field_parts = parts[0].rstrip(" ").rpartition(" ")
+        if len(field_parts) != 3:
+            raise ValueError("malformed ofproto flow: %s" % ofp_string)
+        info = field_parts[0]
+        match = field_parts[2]
+        iparser = KVParser(self.info_decoders)
+        iparser.parse(info)
+        isection = Section(
+            name="info",
+            pos=ofp_string.find(info),
+            string=info,
+            data=iparser.kv(),
+        )
+        sections.append(isection)
+        mparser = KVParser(self.match_decoders)
+        mparser.parse(match)
+        msection = Section(
+            name="match",
+            pos=ofp_string.find(match),
+            string=match,
+            data=mparser.kv(),
+        )
+        sections.append(msection)
+        aparser = KVParser(self.act_decoders)
+        aparser.parse(actions)
+        asection = Section(
+            name="actions",
+            pos=ofp_string.find(actions),
+            string=actions,
+            data=aparser.kv(),
+            is_list=True,
+        )
+        sections.append(asection)
+        return OFPFlow(sections, ofp_string, id)
+    @classmethod
+    def _info_decoders(cls):
+        """Generate the match decoders"""
+        info = {
+            "table": decode_int,
+            "duration": decode_time,
+            "n_packet": decode_int,
+            "n_bytes": decode_int,
+            "cookie": decode_int,
+            "idle_timeout": decode_time,
+            "hard_timeout": decode_time,
+            "hard_age": decode_time,
+        }
+        return KVDecoders(info)
+    @classmethod
+    def _flow_match_decoders(cls):
+        """Returns the decoders for key-values that are part of the flow match
+        but not a flow field"""
+        return {
+            "priority": decode_int,
+        }
+    @classmethod
+    def _field_decoders(cls):
+        shorthands = [
+            "eth",
+            "ip",
+            "ipv6",
+            "icmp",
+            "icmp6",
+            "tcp",
+            "tcp6",
+            "udp",
+            "udp6",
+            "sctp",
+            "arp",
+            "rarp",
+            "mpls",
+            "mplsm",
+        ]
+        fields = {**field_decoders, **{key: decode_flag for key in shorthands}}
+        # vlan_vid field is special. Although it is technically 12 bit wide,
+        # bit 12 is allowed to be set to 1 to indicate that the vlan header is
+        # present (see section VLAN FIELDS in
+        # http://www.openvswitch.org/support/dist-docs/ovs-fields.7.txt)
+        # Therefore, override the generated vlan_vid field size
+        fields["vlan_vid"] = decode_mask(13)
+        return fields
+    @classmethod
+    def _output_actions_decoders(cls):
+        """Returns the decoders for the output actions"""
+        return {
+            "output": decode_output,
+            "drop": decode_flag,
+            "controller": decode_controller,
+            "enqueue": nested_list_decoder(
+                ListDecoders([("port", decode_default), ("queue", int)]),
+                delims=[",", ":"],
+            ),
+            "bundle": decode_bundle,
+            "bundle_load": decode_bundle_load,
+            "group": decode_default,
+        }
+    @classmethod
+    def _encap_actions_decoders(cls):
+        """Returns the decoders for the encap actions"""
+        return {
+            "pop_vlan": decode_flag,
+            "strip_vlan": decode_flag,
+            "push_vlan": decode_default,
+            "decap": decode_flag,
+            "encap": nested_kv_decoder(
+                KVDecoders(
+                    {
+                        "nsh": nested_kv_decoder(
+                            KVDecoders(
+                                {
+                                    "md_type": decode_default,
+                                    "tlv": nested_list_decoder(
+                                        ListDecoders(
+                                            [
+                                                ("class", decode_int),
+                                                ("type", decode_int),
+                                                ("value", decode_int),
+                                            ]
+                                        )
+                                    ),
+                                }
+                            )
+                        ),
+                    },
+                    default=None,
+                    default_free=decode_encap_ethernet,
+                )
+            ),
+        }
+    @classmethod
+    def _field_action_decoders(cls):
+        """Returns the decoders for the field modification actions"""
+        # Field modification actions
+        field_default_decoders = [
+            "set_mpls_label",
+            "set_mpls_tc",
+            "set_mpls_ttl",
+            "mod_nw_tos",
+            "mod_nw_ecn",
+            "mod_tcp_src",
+            "mod_tcp_dst",
+        ]
+        return {
+            "load": decode_load_field,
+            "set_field": functools.partial(
+                decode_set_field, KVDecoders(cls._field_decoders())
+            ),
+            "move": decode_move_field,
+            "mod_dl_dst": EthMask,
+            "mod_dl_src": EthMask,
+            "mod_nw_dst": IPMask,
+            "mod_nw_src": IPMask,
+            "dec_ttl": decode_dec_ttl,
+            "dec_mpls_ttl": decode_flag,
+            "dec_nsh_ttl": decode_flag,
+            "check_pkt_larger": decode_chk_pkt_larger,
+            **{field: decode_default for field in field_default_decoders},
+        }
+    @classmethod
+    def _meta_action_decoders(cls):
+        """Returns the decoders for the metadata actions"""
+        meta_default_decoders = ["set_tunnel", "set_tunnel64", "set_queue"]
+        return {
+            "pop_queue": decode_flag,
+            **{field: decode_default for field in meta_default_decoders},
+        }
+    @classmethod
+    def _fw_action_decoders(cls):
+        """Returns the decoders for the Firewalling actions"""
+        return {
+            "ct": nested_kv_decoder(
+                KVDecoders(
+                    {
+                        "commit": decode_flag,
+                        "zone": decode_zone,
+                        "table": decode_int,
+                        "nat": decode_nat,
+                        "force": decode_flag,
+                        "exec": functools.partial(
+                            decode_exec,
+                            KVDecoders(
+                                {
+                                    **cls._encap_actions_decoders(),
+                                    **cls._field_action_decoders(),
+                                    **cls._meta_action_decoders(),
+                                }
+                            ),
+                        ),
+                        "alg": decode_default,
+                    }
+                )
+            ),
+            "ct_clear": decode_flag,
+        }
+    @classmethod
+    def _control_action_decoders(cls):
+        return {
+            "resubmit": nested_list_decoder(
+                ListDecoders(
+                    [
+                        ("port", decode_default),
+                        ("table", decode_int),
+                        ("ct", decode_flag),
+                    ]
+                )
+            ),
+            "push": decode_field,
+            "pop": decode_field,
+            "exit": decode_flag,
+            "multipath": nested_list_decoder(
+                ListDecoders(
+                    [
+                        ("fields", decode_default),
+                        ("basis", decode_int),
+                        ("algorithm", decode_default),
+                        ("n_links", decode_int),
+                        ("arg", decode_int),
+                        ("dst", decode_field),
+                    ]
+                )
+            ),
+        }
+    @classmethod
+    def _clone_actions_decoders(cls, action_decoders):
+        """Generate the decoders for clone actions
+        Args:
+            action_decoders (dict): The decoders of the supported nested
+                actions
+        """
+        return {
+            "learn": decode_learn(
+                {
+                    **action_decoders,
+                    "fin_timeout": nested_kv_decoder(
+                        KVDecoders(
+                            {
+                                "idle_timeout": decode_time,
+                                "hard_timeout": decode_time,
+                            }
+                        )
+                    ),
+                }
+            ),
+            "clone": functools.partial(
+                decode_exec, KVDecoders(action_decoders)
+            ),
+        }
+    @classmethod
+    def _other_action_decoders(cls):
+        """Recoders for other actions (see man(7) ovs-actions)"""
+        return {
+            "conjunction": nested_list_decoder(
+                ListDecoders(
+                    [("id", decode_int), ("k", decode_int), ("n", decode_int)]
+                ),
+                delims=[",", "/"],
+            ),
+            "note": decode_default,
+            "sample": nested_kv_decoder(
+                KVDecoders(
+                    {
+                        "probability": decode_int,
+                        "collector_set_id": decode_int,
+                        "obs_domain_id": decode_int,
+                        "obs_point_id": decode_int,
+                        "sampling_port": decode_default,
+                        "ingress": decode_flag,
+                        "egress": decode_flag,
+                    }
+                )
+            ),
+        }
+    @classmethod
+    def _act_decoders(cls):
+        """Generate the actions decoders"""
+        actions = {
+            **cls._output_actions_decoders(),
+            **cls._encap_actions_decoders(),
+            **cls._field_action_decoders(),
+            **cls._meta_action_decoders(),
+            **cls._fw_action_decoders(),
+            **cls._control_action_decoders(),
+            **cls._other_action_decoders(),
+        }
+        clone_actions = cls._clone_actions_decoders(actions)
+        actions.update(clone_actions)
+        return KVDecoders(actions, default_free=decode_free_output)
diff --git a/python/ovs/flows/ofp_act.py b/python/ovs/flows/ofp_act.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bc6574999
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/ovs/flows/ofp_act.py
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+""" Defines decoders for openflow actions
+import functools
+from ovs.flows.kv import nested_kv_decoder, KVDecoders, KeyValue, KVParser
+from ovs.flows.decoders import (
+    decode_default,
+    decode_time,
+    decode_flag,
+    decode_int,
+from ovs.flows.ofp_fields import field_decoders
+def decode_output(value):
+    """Decodes the output value
+    Does not support field specification
+    """
+    if len(value.split(",")) > 1:
+        return nested_kv_decoder()(value)
+    try:
+        return {"port": int(value)}
+    except ValueError:
+        return {"port": value.strip('"')}
+def decode_controller(value):
+    """Decodes the controller action"""
+    if not value:
+        return KeyValue("output", "controller")
+    else:
+        # Try controller:max_len
+        try:
+            max_len = int(value)
+            return {
+                "max_len": max_len,
+            }
+        except ValueError:
+            pass
+        # controller(key[=val], ...)
+        return nested_kv_decoder()(value)
+def decode_bundle_load(value):
+    return decode_bundle(value, True)
+def decode_bundle(value, load=False):
+    """Decode bundle action"""
+    result = {}
+    keys = ["fields", "basis", "algorithm", "ofport"]
+    if load:
+        keys.append("dst")
+    for key in keys:
+        parts = value.partition(",")
+        nvalue = parts[0]
+        value = parts[2]
+        if key == "ofport":
+            continue
+        result[key] = decode_default(nvalue)
+    # Handle members:
+    mvalues = value.split("members:")
+    result["members"] = [int(port) for port in mvalues[1].split(",")]
+    return result
+def decode_encap_ethernet(value):
+    """Decodes encap ethernet value"""
+    return "ethernet", int(value, 0)
+def decode_field(value):
+    """Decodes a field as defined in the 'Field Specification' of the actions
+    man page: http://www.openvswitch.org/support/dist-docs/ovs-actions.7.txt
+    """
+    parts = value.strip("]\n\r").split("[")
+    result = {
+        "field": parts[0],
+    }
+    if len(parts) > 1 and parts[1]:
+        field_range = parts[1].split("..")
+        start = field_range[0]
+        end = field_range[1] if len(field_range) > 1 else start
+        if start:
+            result["start"] = int(start)
+        if end:
+            result["end"] = int(end)
+    return result
+def decode_load_field(value):
+    """Decodes 'load:value->dst' actions"""
+    parts = value.split("->")
+    if len(parts) != 2:
+        raise ValueError("Malformed load action : %s" % value)
+    # If the load action is performed within a learn() action,
+    # The value can be specified as another field.
+    try:
+        return {"value": int(parts[0], 0), "dst": decode_field(parts[1])}
+    except ValueError:
+        return {"src": decode_field(parts[0]), "dst": decode_field(parts[1])}
+def decode_set_field(field_decoders, value):
+    """Decodes 'set_field:value/mask->dst' actions
+    The value is decoded by field_decoders which is a KVDecoders instance
+    Args:
+        field_decoders
+    """
+    parts = value.split("->")
+    if len(parts) != 2:
+        raise ValueError("Malformed set_field action : %s" % value)
+    val = parts[0]
+    dst = parts[1]
+    val_result = field_decoders.decode(dst, val)
+    return {
+        "value": {val_result[0]: val_result[1]},
+        "dst": decode_field(dst),
+    }
+def decode_move_field(value):
+    """Decodes 'move:src->dst' actions"""
+    parts = value.split("->")
+    if len(parts) != 2:
+        raise ValueError("Malformed move action : %s" % value)
+    return {
+        "src": decode_field(parts[0]),
+        "dst": decode_field(parts[1]),
+    }
+def decode_dec_ttl(value):
+    """Decodes dec_ttl and dec_ttl(id, id[2], ...) actions"""
+    if not value:
+        return True
+    return [int(idx) for idx in value.split(",")]
+def decode_chk_pkt_larger(value):
+    """Decodes 'check_pkt_larger(pkt_len)->dst' actions"""
+    parts = value.split("->")
+    if len(parts) != 2:
+        raise ValueError("Malformed check_pkt_larger action : %s" % value)
+    pkt_len = int(parts[0].strip("()"))
+    dst = decode_field(parts[1])
+    return {"pkt_len": pkt_len, "dst": dst}
+# CT decoders
+def decode_zone(value):
+    """Decodes the 'zone' keyword of the ct action"""
+    try:
+        return int(value, 0)
+    except ValueError:
+        pass
+    return decode_field(value)
+def decode_exec(action_decoders, value):
+    """Decodes the 'exec' keyword of the ct action
+    Args:
+        decode_actions (KVDecoders): the decoders to be used to decode the
+            nested exec
+        value (string): the string to be decoded
+    """
+    exec_parser = KVParser(action_decoders)
+    exec_parser.parse(value)
+    return [{kv.key: kv.value} for kv in exec_parser.kv()]
+def decode_learn(action_decoders):
+    """Create the decoder to be used to decode the 'learn' action.
+    The learn action can include any nested action, therefore we need decoders
+    for all possible actions.
+    Args:
+        action_decoders (dict): dictionary of decoders to be used in nested
+            action decoding
+    """
+    def decode_learn_field(decoder, value):
+        """Generates a decoder to be used for the 'field' argument of the
+        'learn' action.
+        The field can hold a value that should be decoded, either as a field,
+        or as a the value (see man(7) ovs-actions)
+        Args:
+            decoder (callable): The decoder
+        """
+        if value in field_decoders.keys():
+            # It's a field
+            return value
+        else:
+            return decoder(value)
+    learn_field_decoders = {
+        field: functools.partial(decode_learn_field, decoder)
+        for field, decoder in field_decoders.items()
+    }
+    learn_decoders = {
+        **action_decoders,
+        **learn_field_decoders,
+        "idle_timeout": decode_time,
+        "hard_timeout": decode_time,
+        "priority": decode_int,
+        "cooke": decode_int,
+        "send_flow_rem": decode_flag,
+        "table": decode_int,
+        "delete_learned": decode_flag,
+        "limit": decode_int,
+        "result_dst": decode_field,
+    }
+    return functools.partial(decode_exec, KVDecoders(learn_decoders))

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