[ovs-discuss] Using Open vSwitch as a Layer 3 switch

Kirila Adamova kia at open.ch
Thu Nov 21 10:19:01 UTC 2013


We are trying to use Open vSwitch for a project we are working on, but 
we cannot configure it the way we want it to behave. So we are not sure 
if OVS was even meant for this. I hope that you could help clarify that.

We have a host with multiple LAN interfaces and multiple INTERNET

On this host there is a Virtual Machine with a transparent bridge.

We would like all traffic coming from the LAN to go to an openvswitch
and from this switch go to the VM if it is headed for the INTERNET or to
another LAN interface if it is headed for the LAN.

Can an openvswitch make decisions based on the routing table on which it
is running? (Layer 3 switch)

Thank you very much for your help

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