[ovs-discuss] OVSDB transact/notify/reply ordering

Chris Hydon chydon at arista.com
Wed Jul 9 21:04:00 UTC 2014

I am part of a team developing a program that connects to a running 
OVSDB server via the jsonrpc interface and performs transactions. I 
noticed during testing that after sending a database REQUEST, if a table 
has a monitor active on the same socket it will receive the monitor 
NOTIFY before the REPLY corresponding to the REQUEST. That means if we 
send a transaction and wait until we receive a REPLY with matching ID, 
processing any monitor notifications that come in the interim, our local 
cache is going to be consistent with OVSDB when we're done.

Can we rely on this behaviour, or is it incidental and subject to change 
(i.e. is it conceivable that at some point in the future the NOTIFY will 
arrive after the REPLY)?


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