[ovs-discuss] ovs-vswitchd aborted

Flavio Leitner fbl at sysclose.org
Wed Mar 30 21:20:27 UTC 2016

On Wed, Mar 30, 2016 at 01:52:04PM +0000, Eli Britstein wrote:
> Hi
> I want to test performance and latency with dpdkr ports.
> In order to do so, I configured 2 such ports, and wrote a test program that lookup for the relevant rings, and streams traffic into the rings. I run this program as a secondary DPDK process.
> Once I invoke the program, and I enqueuer mbufs to the rings, ovs-vswitchd is "killed by SIGABRT (core dumped)".
> I first thought my packet might be corrupted, so I captured a valid packet and initialize my packets with the bytes of it.
> I have tried to invoke it with a log file, but there is no message there when the problem occurs. Also, no message in "dmesg -w" when the problem occurs.
> I also tried to invoke it after "ulimit -c unlimited", but I could not find any core dump.

You might want to look at /proc/sys/kernel/core_* and coredumpctl(1).

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