[ovs-discuss] revalidator DB-strauctures

Avi Cohen (A) avi.cohen at huawei.com
Sun Feb 5 08:59:59 UTC 2017


1. The revalidator strcture  is defined as :

struct revalidator {
    struct udpif *udpif;               /* Parent udpif. */
    pthread_t thread;                  /* Thread ID. */
    unsigned int id;                   /* ovsthread_id_self(). */

Is the udpif staructure inside is indeed 'parnet  udpif ?  or each revalidator thread has its own udpif  ?
Sometimes it refes to leader . is parent == leader ?
Also another general question -  ehat are the common DB-structures used by all revalidators, and whar are structures owned by a specific revalidator ?

2.  I understand that the udpif_key struct which is allocated for each dastapath dumped flow is stroded in a cmap hash table - correct ?
Regards avi

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