[ovs-discuss] RouterOS

Aaron Conole aconole at redhat.com
Tue Jun 13 19:54:37 UTC 2017

Michael Williams <mw7301 at hotmail.com> writes:

> RouterOS supposedly supports OpenFlow and I was wondering if any of you have gotten OpenvSwitch to
> work on it or if OvS is already built into it? The documentation is unclear concerning how it handles its
> switching functions.

It is not an Open vSwitch implementation.  The openflow npk they use
contains a possibly proprietary kernel module called openflow.ko;  it is
unclear how their openflow module works, or where the source code is.

squashfs-root/lib/modules/3.3.5/misc$ modinfo openflow.ko
filename:       /home/aconole/git/npk/squashfs-root/lib/modules/3.3.5/misc/openflow.ko
intree:         Y
vermagic:       3.3.5 mod_unload 586 

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