[ovs-discuss] OVSDB - match empty set?

Hans Ole Rafaelsen hrafaelsen at gmail.com
Thu Sep 6 07:49:14 UTC 2018


How do I match an empty set (null reference) in a select?

I have a weak reference from one table to another as defined with:
"network_status": {
          "type": {
            "key": {
              "refTable": "NetworkStatus",
              "refType": "weak",
              "type": "uuid"},
            "min": 0}},

When a row is deleted in NetworkStatus, ovsdb sets the reference value:
"network_status": [
I would like to be able to find all rows which as no valid references. I
have tried this:
ovsdb-client transact tcp: '
  "table": "Xinterface",
  "columns" : ["name", "network_status"],
  "where": [[ "network_status" , "==", ["set",[]] ]]
' --prety
which gives no match.
The reverse gives all rows, also the one with the empty set.
ovsdb-client transact tcp: '
  "table": "Xinterface",
  "columns" : ["name", "network_status"],
  "where": [[ "network_status" , "!=", ["set",[]] ]]
' --pretty
    "rows": [
        "name": "WAN-2",
        "network_status": [
        "name": "WAN-1",
        "network_status": [
        "name": "WIFI",
        "network_status": [
I have also tried with "includes", but with same result.

Matching on specific uuid works, and only returns that row.

Is there a way to match against empty sets, or do I need to do something
else to find broken references?


Hans Ole
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